pl 1.1.3-1 - great renaming of String and String_convert interfaces - more conversions moved (copied actually) to String_convert - String indexing now all base = 0, not found = -1 - renamed by to byte pl 1.1.3 - String::mid - memmove test code pl 1.1.2 - StringConversio::bin2int_i - dumb prioq pl 1.1.1 - separated StringHandle and StringData - String::compare 1.1.0: ------------------ 1.0: pl 27-3 - debug memmove code - StringData bugfix - old String::String( char, int ) bugfix pl 27-1,2 (not released) patches by JCN - included again - bin2hex_str bugfix - String class handles null bytes - StringUtils inlined/outlined by #define - StringConversion (only hex for now) pl 27 - (temporarily?) removed findcursor* t*mat* pl 26 - docxx 3.0 pl 25 - merge sstack and Array pl 24 - small fix in vector print pl 23 - win32 patches (JN) pl 22 - Array::add -> Array::push