./input/standchen.ly.rej ./src/stem.cc.rej * scrap simplestaff BUGS * first clef isn't printed * accidental placement for other clefs SEVERELY LACKING: * grace notes INPUTLANGUAGE * lose the $ and @ ? * figured bass? * transposition * rest name configurable SMALLISH PROJECTS * make spanner for staffsym * Lyric_req: Text_req, Rhythmic_req * Lookup::tex_glissando, Lookup::tex_bracket, Lookup::tex_cresc, Lookup::tex_decresc (use texbeam.cc as an example.) * Decent TeX titledefs (\tempo, \metron, etc. ) * command priority into enum * C meter iso 4/4 * textspanner: center position * script-spacing * Brackets * space rest. * use (char *) iso. String for communication between lexer and parser. * configure idealspacing: arithmetic spacing * fix linking: `Warning: size of symbol' BIGGISH PROJECT * merge musical & non-musical column. Scrap Commands in favour of Requests, and do multiparallel meters DOC * beam generation. * Request_register * all errors FUTURE * put scripts on barcommands * glissando * guitar chord * better beamslope calculation * implement better breaking algorithm * Implement all requests * merge key{item} & localkey{item} * QLP for beams? * revise calcideal * eentje/tweetje IDEAS * enter Requests directly * itemcolumns * dependencies: -> implement children more elegantly. Handle spanner with broken deps. * use an embedded language: scheme, lisp, S-lang, Perl, ? * y -dims in internote? * hack up mf sources for decent spacing info (and then maybe read TFM directly) * merge Atom and Symbol? * merge Command/Input_command. * merge common code of Item, Atom/Molecule * Spacing_request for manually adjusting spacing * Staff_group. * SHIT: meters/bars should be aligned, which is difficult if we get different keychanges in different staffs. * Integrating (objectiveC) MusicKit with LilyPond * MusixTeX output possible? * PostScript output (esp. Beams, Slurs, etc)