-*-text-*- INTRODUCTION This is a beta version of LilyPond (a music typesetter). Please send your helpful comments and patches to me, hanwen@stack.nl LilyPond is updated very frequently, the latest version is always available at: ftp://pcnov095.win.tue.nl/pub/lilypond PREREQUISITES TeX, the MusixTeX fonts, g++ > v2.7. The "flower" library, which should be available from the same source you got this from. The Makefile uses perl for trivial operation, but you could tinker with it to use sed or awk. COMPILING You will need GNU C++ v2.7 or better and GNU make. If you actually want to use this, you'd better use the "speedy" compilation flags in the Makefile. Do: tar zxf flower-1.11.9.tar.gz mv flower-1.11.9 flower cd flower; make; cd .. tar zxf lilypond-1.2.13.tar.gz cd lilypond-1.2.13 make why G++ >= 2.7? LilyPond & flower lib uses builtin bool and typeof. USING No, you shouldn't. Really. If you're still not discouraged; this is what I type in my xterm: lilypond maartje.ly tex test xdvi test& This is what the output looks like over here. hw:~/musix/spacer$ lilypond kortjakje.ly LilyPond version 0.0.9 compiled on Nov 7 1996 at 23:38:21 Parsing ... [kortjakje.ly] Processing ... Calculating ... output to lelie.uit... hw:~/musix/spacer$ tex test This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (C version 6.1) (test.tex Hyphenation patterns for english, dutch, loaded. (lilyponddefs.tex) (lelie.uit) [1] ) Output written on test.dvi (1 page, 3076 bytes). Transcript written on test.log. hw:~/musix/spacer$ xdvi test& [1] 1667 PROBLEMS If LilyPond bombs out, then please recompile using -g, and send a gdb stacktrace of the crash. HOW DOES IT WORK * Use The Source, Luke. If you don't know C++, you can try editing .dstreamrc for copious debugging output. (use -d) * the subdir Documentation/ contains some in depth matter on LilyPond algorithms * The source is commented in the DOC++ style. Check out doc++ at http://www.ZIB-Berlin.DE/VisPar/doc++/doc++.html