WHAT'S NEW? * Large cleanups, enhanced design and GUILE integration for smaller memory footprint and more flexible code. * Direct output to PostScript (optional), PDFTeX or as GUILE script (default output still to plain TeX). * Convertors for ABC and MUP formats. * Font: now available as scalable PostScript. New glyphs: time signature, more note heads. * Enhanced input: semi-automatic beaming, (nested) tuplets, (nested) repeats, chordnames, automatic Lyrics durations. * Grace notes, volta brackets, multiple styles for note heads and time signatures, breathing signs, lyric extenders, cross staff beaming and slurring. * --safe option for the paranoid. * More elegant spacing. Text is spaced exactly. * Lots of bugfixes. pl 1.2.2.lec1 fix to abc2ly for fermata and space following >; to paddy.abc to include X: header line (lec1); to PATCHES.yo to point to real authors.yo