Up to documentation index

Documentation translations status

This is an overview of which parts of LilyPond @TOPLEVEL_VERSION@ documentation are translated; for each documentation section, you can read the word count in parentheses, who translated and verified it (translation checkers are printed with a smaller font size), how much of the original section in English has been translation, how up-to-date is the translation, and whether the translation has already been updated after Grand Documentation Project (GDP) was started.

Please note that GDP makes a lot of changes to documentation in English, therefore translated documentation is mostly not up-to-date; however, this does not mean translated documentation is inaccurate regarding current LilyPond version, it only means that translated docmentation is not synced with documentation in English. We do our best to keep translated documentation consistent with current LilyPond syntax and features, and will update it per section, when GDP processing of the corresponding section in English is finished.