=head1 NAME Other-packages -- related packages =head1 DESCRIPTION A (not-at-all complete) overview of other music-typesetting/notation packages. Feel free to add info (and mail it to me). Partly based on a reflist by Miguel Filgueiras . =head2 Free packages (with source) G Sharp, http://dept-info.labri.u-bordeaux.fr/~strandh/Gsharp Rosegarden, http://www.math.bath.ac.uk/~masjpf/rose.html Common Music/Common Notation, ftp://ccrma-ftp.stanford.edu/pub/Lisp Vivace MPP, http://www.stack.nl/~hanwen/mpp-english.html Jan Nieuwenhuizen, Using TeX and the MusiXTeX macro package to write parts and scores of music. Department of Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology, 1995. MusicEase, ftp://ftp.secret.com/ad-ftp Described in Computer vol 29(6) MusE A-R Editions, Inc. Mup, http://www.arkkra.com/ A program which creates PS from a script input. Although it comes with C source code, it is Shareware ($29). PMX Don Simons, PMX, A Preprocessor for MusiXTeX (Version 1.04). dsimons@logicon.com. Musi*TeX, http://www.gmd.de/misc/music Daniel Taupin, Ross Mitchell and Andreas Egler, MusixTeX: Using TeX to Write Polyphonic or Instrumental Music (Version T.64). Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Centre Universitaire, Orsay, 1993. ABC2MTeX Chris Walshaw, ABC2MTeX --- An easy way of transcribing folk and traditional music. School of Maths, University of Greenwich, 1993. SceX Miguel Filgueiras and Jos\'e Paulo Leal, A First Formulation of SceX, a Music Typesetting System. Centro de Inform\'atica da Universidade do Porto, 1993. MUTEX Fran\ccois Jalbert, MuTeX User's Guide (Version 1.1). Computer Science Department, University of British Columbia, 1989. =head2 Free (zero cents) Calliope, http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/wfc/ A NeXT package Mozart A windows package =head2 Proprietary LIME, http://datura.cerl.uiuc.edu/ Sibelius, http://www.acorn.co.uk/developers/sibelius Finale Score Musicator =head2 Unknown Berlioz, http://www.bsi.fr/~montel/