mailto( article(LilyPond Windows NT 4.0 Distribution)(nemail(Jeffrey B. Reed)( sect(Windows NT Binary Distribution) subsect(Introduction) label(introduction) This page is dedicated to the distribution of precompiled and preformatted LilyPond binaries for Windows NT 4.0 . This package is covered under the GNU General Public License and all of the source and documentation are available on the official url(LilyPond Homepage)( includefile(../ link(Back to top)(contents) clearpage() subsect(NEWS) label(news) This is what the version @TOPLEVEL_VERSION@ brings: verb( top_of_NEWS ) link(Back to top)(contents) clearpage() subsect(Required packages) label(packages) LilyPond uses the code(TeX) package as its rendering engine. code(TeX) represents the state-of-the-art in computer typesetting. It is used to generate documentation, article, and book quality output. It is an assume tool to have in your toolbox. LilyPond uses a code(Python) script named code(ly2dvi) to render a professional quality music score. code(Python) is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language. It is often compared to code(Tcl), code(Perl), code(Scheme) or code(Java). itemize( it()url(code(MiKTeX))( it()url(code(Python))( ) link(Back to top)(contents) clearpage() subsect(Download) label(download) itemize( it()lurl( ) link(Back to top)(contents) clearpage() subsect(Installation) label(installation) itemize( it()link(Download)(download) the distribution. it()unzip it()Set your path variable for lilypond and TeX description( dit(batch file) In a batch file you can add the following entries: nl() bf(set LILYPOND=em(LilyPond-dir)) nl() bf(set path=%path%%LILYPOND%\bin;em(MiKTeX-dir)\miktex\bin) nl() bf(set TEXINPUTS=%LILYPOND%\texmf\tex\lilypond;;) nl() bf(set MFINPUTS=%LILYPOND%\texmf\mf\public\lilypond;;) nl() COMMENT( dit(Windows Environment) In the Windows environment you can select properties menu of the My Computer icon. Click on the environment tag and add the following to the user variables path entry. nl() bf(em(LilyPond-dir)\bin;em(MiKTeX-dir)\miktex\bin)) ) nl() it() The first installation of LilyPond also requires these additional steps: description( dit(LaTeX geometry package) itemize( it()url(download)( the zip file to code(\Temp). it()Extract the zip file into the LaTeX package area of code(MiKTeX). This will be bf(em(MiKTeX-dir)\tex\latex) it()From a Command Prompt change directory into geometry directory that was just extracted. it()In the geometry directory type bf(latex geometry.ins) ) nl() dit(Miscellaneous fonts) itemize( it()In your favorite editor create a file named code( Add the following lines: nl() bf(design_size=14.4; ) nl() bf(input b-cmbx;) it()From a Command Prompt copy to the public font area of MiKTeX: nl() bf(copy em(MiKTeX-dir)\fonts\source\public\cm\base) ) ) nl() it()See the link(Running)(running) instructions below ) link(Back to top)(contents) clearpage() subsect(Running LilyPond) label(running) itemize( it()Take a look at url( it()Save to your local disk it()From a Command Prompt run: nl() bf( nl() bf(dvips angles.dvi) nl() bf(cmd /c nl() ) link(Back to top)(contents) clearpage() subsect(LilyPond resources) label(resources) itemize( it()url(LilyPond Homepage) ( it()url(LilyPond Ftp Site)( it()url(gnu-music-discuss mail archive) ( it()Please feel free to mail us at url(gnu-music-discuss) ( ) link(Back to top)(contents) clearpage()