=head1 NAME Lily literature -- reading on music engraving =head1 DESCRIPTION A list of resources on music printing/writing and engraving. Please note that don't have access to most material (except a library copy of Chlapik) More on GNU Music: http://dept-info.labri.u-bordeaux.fr/~strandh/Gsharp =head2 References [partly by Mark Basinski ] Herbert Chlapik, Die Praxis des Notengraphikers. Doblinger, 1987. Helene Wanske, ?, Schott-Verlag Mainz. Maxwell Weaner and Walter Boelke, Standard Music Notation Practice, revised edition by Arnold Broido and Daniel Dorff. Music Publisher's Association of the United States Inc., 1993. W.A. Hegazy and J. S. Gourlay. Optimal line breaking in music. In ``Document Manipulation and Typography'', J.C. van Vliet (ed) 1988. Ross, Ted. ``Teach yourself the art of music engraving and processing'' (3rd edition). Hansen House, Miami Beach, FL. Hansen House 1820 West Ave. Miami, FL 33139 (305) 532-5461 [This is about I i.e. professional music typesetting, and includes some good spacing tables] Read, Gardner. ``Modern Rhythmic Notation.'' Indiana University Press, 1978. Read, Gardner. ``Music Notation'' (2nd edition). Taplinger Publishing, New York. [This is as close to the ``standard'' reference work for music notation issues as one is likely to get.] The University of Colorado Music Engraving page. http://www.cc.colorado.edu/cgi-bin/mfs/01/Dept/MU/Musicpress/Welcome.html =head2 Further reading (of varying usefulness): Donato, Anthony. Preparing Music Manuscript. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1963. Donemus. "Uitgeven van muziek". Donemus Amsterdam, 1900 Heussenstamm, George. The Norton Manual of Music Notation. New York: Norton, 1987. Karkoshka, Erdhard. Notation in New Music. Trans. Ruth Koenig. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1972. Out of print. Roelofs, Ren\'e. ``Een Geautomatiseerd Systeem voor het Afdrukken van Muziek'' afstudeerscriptie Bestuurlijke informatica, no 45327, Erasmus universiteit Rotterdam, 1991. (``An automated system for printing music'' Master's Thesis Management and Computer Science.) C. Roemer, The Art of Music Copying. Roerick music co., Sherman Oaks (CA), 1973. Rosecrans, Glen. Music Notation Primer. New York: Passantino, 1979. Stone, Kurt. Music Notation in the Twentieth Century. New York: Norton, 1980. =head2 On typesettig programs From: Miguel Filgueiras ... as well as other systems. I contribute with some references: D. Blostein, L. Haken, The Lime Music Editor: a Diagram Editor Involving Complex Translations. {\em Software --- Practice and Experience}, Vol. 24(3), 289--306, 1994. Alexander Brinkman, {\em PASCAL Programming for Music Research}. The University of Chicago Press, 1990. Miguel Filgueiras, Implementing a Symbolic Music Processing System. LIACC, Universidade do Porto, 1996; submitted. Miguel Filgueiras, Some Music Typesetting Algorithms. LIACC, Universidade do Porto, {\em forthcoming}. Miguel Filgueiras and Jos\'e Paulo Leal, A First Formulation of \SceX, a Music Typesetting System. Centro de Inform\'atica da Universidade do Porto, 1993. Miguel Filgueiras and Jos\'e Paulo Leal. Representation and manipulation of music documents in \SceX. {\em Electronic Publishing}, vol. 6 (4), 507--518, 1993. Eric Foxley, Music --- A language for typesetting music scores. {\em Software --- Practice and Experience}, Vol. 17(8), 485--502, 1987. John S. Gourlay, A language for music printing. {\em Communications of the ACM}, Vol. 29(5), 388--401, 1986. Cindy Grande, NIFF6a Notation Interchange File Format. Grande Software Inc., 1995. {\tt ftp:blackbox.cartah.washington.edu} Fran\c{c}ois Jalbert, Mu\TeX\ User's Guide (Version $1.1$). Computer Science Department, University of British Columbia, 1989. Peter S. Langston, Unix music tools at Bellcore. {\em Software --- Practice and Experience}, Vol. 20(S1), S1/47--S1/61, 1990. Andreas Mahling, J. Herczeg, M. Herczeg and S B\"ocker, Beyond visualization: knowing and understanding. In P.~Gorny, M.~J. Tauber (eds.), {\em Visualization in Human-Computer Interaction}, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 439, 16--26, Springer-Verlag, 1990. Jan Nieuwenhuizen, Using \TeX\ and the MusiX\TeX\ macro package to write parts and scores of music. Department of Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology, 1995. Don Simons, PMX, A Preprocessor for MusiX\TeX\ (Version 1.04). dsimons@logicon.com. Daniel Taupin. Music\TeX: Using \TeX\ to Write Polyphonic or Instrumental Music (Version 5.17). Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Centre Universitaire, Orsay, 1996. Daniel Taupin, Ross Mitchell and Andreas Egler, Musix\TeX: Using \TeX\ to Write Polyphonic or Instrumental Music (Version T.64). Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Centre Universitaire, Orsay, 1993. Barry Vercoe, Csound --- A Manual for the Audio Processing System and Supporting Programs with Tutorials. Media Lab, M.I.T., Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1986 (rev. 1992). Chris Walshaw, {\tt ABC2M\TeX} --- An easy way of transcribing folk and traditional music. School of Maths, University of Greenwich, 1993.