1.3.17.jcn2 =========== * Bugfix: beams with less than one (visible) stem * small fixes to pa.ly 1.3.17.jcn1 =========== * Fixed bug that made multi-measure rest barnumber counts go wild. (even more scm2int/int2scm mixups!) * mutopia/J.S.Bach/pa.ly: organ score (for my father) * small fix to mutopia/J.S.Bach/Duette/violino-ii.ly 1.3.17.hwn2 =========== * Remove Paper_def calls in bezier-bow.cc * Remove data members of Tuplet_spanner, Volta_spanner * hang_on_clef, property hangOnClef removed * Bar::type_str_ mode into element property `glyph'. Use a Scheme function to determine breaking behavior. * More Scheme typechecking. * Be strict about the difference between strings and symbols for conversion. * Fixed bug that made 1st line offset to right fixed. Bugfix courtesy Laurent Martelli. * Partial French translation, courtesy Laurent Martelli. * Small corrections in NL translation. 1.3.17.hwn1 =========== * Added mensural note heads (noteHeadStyle = "mensural") Additionally, we have a longa note head. noteHeadStyle = "harmonic" is not supported anymore. (for now, that is) * Reference manual update. Document \properties with examples * fix mudela-book --help * Use element properties for Text_item::text_str_, Clef_item::symbol_, Key_item::c0_position_ * Clef_engraver general cleanup. Use alists (\property supportedClefTypes, clefPitches) for clef types. * Use progress_indication () for progress. Don't include directly Don't include , from headers. 1.3.16.hwn1 =========== * \property stemCentered (boolean): centers stem on note head. See input/test/stem-centered.ly * input/trip.ly, small test of lots of features. * \property Staff.collisionMergeDotted: merge equal noteheads with different dot count. See input/test/collision-merge-dotted.fly * Dotted rest bugfix * Don't crash if a slur does not span any notes. * Volta repeats fixed. * cleanup of Note_heads_engraver * removed dots_i_ member of Dots 1.3.16.jcn1 =========== * Fixed cross staff slurs. It seems that cross-staff sign was swapped. 1.3.15.hwn1 =========== * Fixed bug in stem code. Stem in chords works again. Small stem cleanups. * Use element properties for Staff_symbol. * \property sparseTies (boolean). Only make one tie in the middle for tied chords. * Junked Directional_spanner, Column_info. Directional_element now is element interface `Directional_element_interface' * cleanup: use to_boolean () iso. gh_boolean_p && gh_bool2scm pl 15.jcn4 - removed old notename2scm conversion - beam-dir-algorithm through scm - bfs paper-scm - bf: knee-stemlengths pl 15.jcn3 - moved poor man's stem arrays to scm pl 15.jcn2 - beam quanting using scm lists pl 14.hwn1jcn1 - chord-name uses scm members - bfs: knee with different mults, interstaff knee, auto-knee ********** pl 14.hwn1 - specialize duration.cc for lily, move out of lib/ - stem cleanup - more SCM typechecking - stafflineleading -> staff_space - bf: rod distances. - junk some unused code. pl 13.hwn2 - paper/score column cleanups. Junk Score_column type pl 13.hwn1 - Bezier_bow/Bezier cleanups - bf: rest under beam. pl 13.jcn2 - untangled Chord_name (item) and Chord (list-of-pitches) pl 13.jcn1 - bezier-bow fix ********** pl 12.hwn1 - polynomial.hh - bf: generic properties - quantise_iv () fix. - bezier cleanup - class Polynomial - use smobs for font metric tables/hashes. - nl.po bf ********** pl 11.jcn3 - small beam fixes (interstaff knees still broken) pl 11.hwn1 - bf: dots - bf: harmonic note heads - revise stem, notehead, rest pl 11.jcn2 - included missing scm,ly updates - bf: urg to_dir () takes scm.. - bf's: if (Foo b = bar != 1) - beam cleanup ********* pl 10.uu1 - various small bfs - bf: alignment reversed - Staff_symbol_referencer -> Staff_symbol_referencer_interface - bf: staccato pos - Knee fixes (thanks, Jan) pl 10.jcn2 - fixes for invisible beamed stems - removed steminfo from properties, don't cache Stem_info pl 10.jcn1 - steminfo to properties - dropped internote dim for stem-beams ********* pl 9.hwn1 - abstracting Staff_symbol_referencer to an interface. - quantised_position for staccato dots. - standchen fixes - junk Score_element::do_{width,height}: set callbacks directly. - merge Score_element, Graphical_element - merge Axis_group_element, Graphical_axis_group - junk pointer fields from Score_element derived classes - junk obsolete do_substitute_dependency code. ********** pl 8.hwn2 - staff-support for Crescendi. - padding for accidentals. - cascading offset callbacks pl 8.hwn1 - note-head-side - naming Staff_sidify -> Side_position_interface *********** pl 7.mb1 - bf: timeSignatureStyle works again pl 7.hwn1 - Dirk Latterman key/mmrest patches - Offset callbacks in Dimension_cache - Junked Staff_side_* - Staff_sidify: interface class. - prelude-{1,2} fixes. *********** pl 6.uu2 - bf: PS font selecting. pl 6.uu1 - bf: ls-latex - mudela-book --no-pictures - bf: ly2dvi - convert-mudela: beamAuto moment syntax. pl 6.jcn3 - fixed scm output pl 6.jcn2 - half-baken ly-gulp-file in scm - resurrected scm output through guile pl 5.mb1 - bf: version of init.sly, init.fly - Clarify necessary version of texinfo - bf: texi files, minor errors and syntax compatible with older makeinfo pl 6.jcn1 - bf: scm output ******* pl 5.hwn2 - Bach preludes: mutopification - dots are Directional_element too; use \property dotDirection - moved some stuff out of Lookup - bf: dots - font selection mechanics changed. pl 5.uu1 - bf: smob allocation (thanks David!) pl 5.hwn1 - junked \shape. Now use #'margin-shape - timing: one_beat -> \property beatLength - bf convert-mudela ************ pl 4.uu1 - input/test/ \property fixes. - gcc 2.95 fix pl 4.hwn1 - Break_align_engraver, break align order from \property breakAlignOrder - junked Score_priority_engraver - moved Time_description into Timing_translator - use properties for timing, see input/test/timing.fly * removed \cadenza ; now use \property Score.timing * \property measurePosition * \property measureLength * \property currentBarNumber - Note_name_engraver , \context NoteNames pl 4.jcn1 - junked some chord guessing code - bf: lookup size (-1) for chord-name accidentals - bf: ly2dvi's MFINPUTS setting ************* pl 2.jcn3 - chords: * Chord is item * junked TeX hacking * configurable with styled strings from scm * fixes: dim, /no X, tonic != C pl 2.jcn2 - chords from scm pl 3.hwn2 - visibility-lambdas into default elt properties SCM. - clef types in SCM - verticalDirection properties now in SCM. pl 3.hwn1 - move position_i_ into Staff_symbol_referencer - move dir_ into Directional_element baseclass **************** pl 2.hwn1 - bf: dynamic style. - prepare to move dir_ into SCM. pl 2.jcn2 - chord fixes: * inversion request: no inversion guessing for chord entry * bass request: c/+b to add bass note not part of chord * -dim modifier works on all thirds * colon iso dash as tonic/modifier-additions separator * C:m5- displays as "Cdim" * C:m5-7- displays as "Co" pl 2.jcn1 - moved bracket vars to params - reverted broken lilypond-devel ************* pl 1.uu1 - David's patches: * mfplain.mp detection * Graphical_element::common_refpoint() robuster. * fixes for mudela-mode.el - Dirk's patches: * key signature placement, * tied accidentals. pl 1.hwn2 - extra-offset elt property. - junked Chord_tremolo pl 1.hwn1 - changed calling convention for {get,set,remove}_elt_property() - rm'd some mutopia examples. ******* pl 0.hwn2,1 - Generic properties and Property_engraver. Moved most of the properties. 0.lu1 - resurrected midi2ly 0.jcn1 - bf: lyrics lexer - reverted mup2ly revert pl 3.uu1: - frontport of 1.2.17 patches. ********** 1.3.0: pl 15.hwn2 - loads of bfs. pl x.jcn3 - another workaround: reset buffer state for scm_ftell () - workaround for broken scm_ftell () pl 15.hwn1 - \properties are now SCM s, junk Scalar type - use SCM for strings in parser. - Moment derived from Rational. Moment may be smobified. pl 15.jcn4 - direct #... to scm parser (Thanks to Gary Houston)