// Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Kris Maglione // // This work is licensed for reuse under an MIT license. Details are // given in the LICENSE.txt file included with this file. "use strict"; defineModule("finder", { exports: ["RangeFind", "RangeFinder", "rangefinder"], require: ["prefs", "util"] }); lazyRequire("buffer", ["Buffer"]); lazyRequire("overlay", ["overlay"]); function id(w) w.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils) .outerWindowID; function equals(a, b) id(a) == id(b); /** @instance rangefinder */ var RangeFinder = Module("rangefinder", { Local: function (dactyl, modules, window) ({ init: function () { this.dactyl = dactyl; this.modules = modules; this.window = window; this.lastFindPattern = ""; }, get content() { let { window } = this.modes.getStack(0).params; return window || this.window.content; }, get rangeFind() { let find = overlay.getData(this.content.document, "range-find", null); if (!isinstance(find, RangeFind) || find.stale) return this.rangeFind = null; return find; }, set rangeFind(val) overlay.setData(this.content.document, "range-find", val) }), init: function init() { prefs.safeSet("accessibility.typeaheadfind.autostart", false); // The above should be sufficient, but: http://bugzil.la/348187 prefs.safeSet("accessibility.typeaheadfind", false); }, cleanup: function cleanup() { for (let doc in util.iterDocuments()) { let find = overlay.getData(doc, "range-find", null); if (find) find.highlight(true); overlay.setData(doc, "range-find", null); } }, get commandline() this.modules.commandline, get modes() this.modules.modes, get options() this.modules.options, openPrompt: function openPrompt(mode) { this.modules.marks.push(); this.commandline; this.CommandMode(mode, this.content).open(); Buffer(this.content).resetCaret(); if (this.rangeFind && equals(this.rangeFind.window.get(), this.window)) this.rangeFind.reset(); this.find("", mode == this.modes.FIND_BACKWARD); }, bootstrap: function bootstrap(str, backward=this.rangeFind && this.rangeFind.reverse) { let highlighted = this.rangeFind && this.rangeFind.highlighted; let selections = this.rangeFind && this.rangeFind.selections; let linksOnly = false; let regexp = false; let matchCase = this.options["findcase"] === "smart" ? /[A-Z]/.test(str) : this.options["findcase"] === "ignore" ? false : true; function replacer(m, n1) { if (n1 == "c") matchCase = false; else if (n1 == "C") matchCase = true; else if (n1 == "l") linksOnly = true; else if (n1 == "L") linksOnly = false; else if (n1 == "r") regexp = true; else if (n1 == "R") regexp = false; else return m; return ""; } this.options["findflags"].forEach(f => replacer(f, f)); let pattern = str.replace(/\\(.|$)/g, replacer); if (str) this.lastFindPattern = str; // It's possible, with :tabdetach for instance, for the rangeFind to // actually move from one window to another, which breaks things. if (!this.rangeFind || !equals(this.rangeFind.window.get(), this.window) || linksOnly != !!this.rangeFind.elementPath || regexp != this.rangeFind.regexp || matchCase != this.rangeFind.matchCase || !!backward != this.rangeFind.reverse) { if (this.rangeFind) this.rangeFind.cancel(); this.rangeFind = null; this.rangeFind = RangeFind(this.window, this.content, matchCase, backward, linksOnly && this.options.get("hinttags").matcher, regexp); this.rangeFind.highlighted = highlighted; this.rangeFind.selections = selections; } this.rangeFind.pattern = str; return pattern; }, find: function find(pattern, backwards) { this.modules.marks.push(); let str = this.bootstrap(pattern, backwards); this.backward = this.rangeFind.reverse; if (!this.rangeFind.find(str)) this.dactyl.echoerr(_("finder.notFound", pattern), this.commandline.FORCE_SINGLELINE); return this.rangeFind.found; }, findAgain: function findAgain(reverse) { this.modules.marks.push(); if (!this.rangeFind) this.find(this.lastFindPattern); else if (!this.rangeFind.find(null, reverse)) this.dactyl.echoerr(_("finder.notFound", this.lastFindPattern), this.commandline.FORCE_SINGLELINE); else if (this.rangeFind.wrapped) { let msg = this.rangeFind.backward ? _("finder.atTop") : _("finder.atBottom"); this.commandline.echo(msg, "WarningMsg", this.commandline.APPEND_TO_MESSAGES | this.commandline.FORCE_SINGLELINE); } else this.commandline.echo((this.rangeFind.backward ? "?" : "/") + this.rangeFind.pattern, "Normal", this.commandline.FORCE_SINGLELINE); if (this.options["hlfind"]) this.highlight(); this.rangeFind.focus(); }, onCancel: function onCancel() { if (this.rangeFind) this.rangeFind.cancel(); }, onChange: function onChange(command) { if (this.options["incfind"]) { command = this.bootstrap(command); this.rangeFind.find(command); } }, onHistory: function onHistory() { this.rangeFind.found = false; }, onSubmit: function onSubmit(command) { if (!command && this.lastFindPattern) { this.find(this.lastFindPattern, this.backward); this.findAgain(); return; } if (!this.options["incfind"] || !this.rangeFind || !this.rangeFind.found) { this.clear(); this.find(command || this.lastFindPattern, this.backward); } if (this.options["hlfind"]) this.highlight(); this.rangeFind.focus(); }, /** * Highlights all occurrences of the last sought for string in the * current buffer. */ highlight: function highlight() { if (this.rangeFind) this.rangeFind.highlight(); }, /** * Clears all find highlighting. */ clear: function clear() { if (this.rangeFind) this.rangeFind.highlight(true); } }, { }, { modes: function initModes(dactyl, modules, window) { initModes.require("commandline"); const { modes } = modules; modes.addMode("FIND", { description: "Find mode, active when typing search input", bases: [modes.COMMAND_LINE] }); modes.addMode("FIND_FORWARD", { description: "Forward Find mode, active when typing search input", bases: [modes.FIND] }); modes.addMode("FIND_BACKWARD", { description: "Backward Find mode, active when typing search input", bases: [modes.FIND] }); }, commands: function initCommands(dactyl, modules, window) { const { commands, rangefinder } = modules; commands.add(["noh[lfind]"], "Remove the find highlighting", function () { rangefinder.clear(); }, { argCount: "0" }); }, commandline: function initCommandline(dactyl, modules, window) { const { rangefinder } = modules; rangefinder.CommandMode = Class("CommandFindMode", modules.CommandMode, { init: function init(mode, window) { this.mode = mode; this.window = window; init.supercall(this); }, historyKey: "find", get prompt() this.mode === modules.modes.FIND_BACKWARD ? "?" : "/", get onCancel() modules.rangefinder.closure.onCancel, get onChange() modules.rangefinder.closure.onChange, get onHistory() modules.rangefinder.closure.onHistory, get onSubmit() modules.rangefinder.closure.onSubmit }); }, mappings: function initMappings(dactyl, modules, window) { const { Buffer, buffer, config, mappings, modes, rangefinder } = modules; var myModes = config.browserModes.concat([modes.CARET]); mappings.add(myModes, ["/", ""], "Find a pattern starting at the current caret position", function () { rangefinder.openPrompt(modes.FIND_FORWARD); }); mappings.add(myModes, ["?", "", ""], "Find a pattern backward of the current caret position", function () { rangefinder.openPrompt(modes.FIND_BACKWARD); }); mappings.add(myModes, ["n", ""], "Find next", function () { rangefinder.findAgain(false); }); mappings.add(myModes, ["N", ""], "Find previous", function () { rangefinder.findAgain(true); }); mappings.add(myModes.concat([modes.CARET, modes.TEXT_EDIT]), ["*", ""], "Find word under cursor", function () { rangefinder.find(Buffer.currentWord(buffer.focusedFrame, true), false); rangefinder.findAgain(); }); mappings.add(myModes.concat([modes.CARET, modes.TEXT_EDIT]), ["#", ""], "Find word under cursor backwards", function () { rangefinder.find(Buffer.currentWord(buffer.focusedFrame, true), true); rangefinder.findAgain(); }); }, options: function initOptions(dactyl, modules, window) { const { options, rangefinder } = modules; options.add(["hlfind", "hlf"], "Highlight all /find pattern matches on the current page after submission", "boolean", false, { setter: function (value) { rangefinder[value ? "highlight" : "clear"](); return value; } }); options.add(["findcase", "fc"], "Find case matching mode", "string", "smart", { values: { "smart": "Case is significant when capital letters are typed", "match": "Case is always significant", "ignore": "Case is never significant" } }); options.add(["findflags", "ff"], "Default flags for find invocations", "charlist", "", { values: { "c": "Ignore case", "C": "Match case", "r": "Perform a regular expression search", "R": "Perform a plain string search", "l": "Search only in links", "L": "Search all text" } }); options.add(["incfind", "if"], "Find a pattern incrementally as it is typed rather than awaiting c_", "boolean", true); } }); /** * @class RangeFind * * A fairly sophisticated typeahead-find replacement. It supports * incremental find very much as the builtin component. * Additionally, it supports several features impossible to * implement using the standard component. Incremental finding * works both forwards and backwards. Erasing characters during an * incremental find moves the selection back to the first * available match for the shorter term. The selection and viewport * are restored when the find is canceled. * * Also, in addition to full support for frames and iframes, this * implementation will begin finding from the position of the * caret in the last active frame. This is contrary to the behavior * of the builtin component, which always starts a find from the * beginning of the first frame in the case of frameset documents, * and cycles through all frames from beginning to end. This makes it * impossible to choose the starting point of a find for such * documents, and represents a major detriment to productivity where * large amounts of data are concerned (e.g., for API documents). */ var RangeFind = Class("RangeFind", { init: function init(window, content, matchCase, backward, elementPath, regexp) { this.window = util.weakReference(window); this.content = content; this.baseDocument = util.weakReference(this.content.document); this.elementPath = elementPath || null; this.reverse = Boolean(backward); this.finder = services.Find(); this.matchCase = Boolean(matchCase); this.regexp = Boolean(regexp); this.reset(); this.highlighted = null; this.selections = []; this.lastString = ""; }, get store() overlay.getData(this.content.document, "buffer", Object), get backward() this.finder.findBackwards, set backward(val) this.finder.findBackwards = val, get matchCase() this.finder.caseSensitive, set matchCase(val) this.finder.caseSensitive = Boolean(val), get findString() this.lastString, get flags() this.matchCase ? "" : "i", get selectedRange() { let win = this.store.focusedFrame && this.store.focusedFrame.get() || this.content; let selection = win.getSelection(); return (selection.rangeCount ? selection.getRangeAt(0) : this.ranges[0].range).cloneRange(); }, set selectedRange(range) { this.range.selection.removeAllRanges(); this.range.selection.addRange(range); this.range.selectionController.scrollSelectionIntoView( this.range.selectionController.SELECTION_NORMAL, 0, false); this.store.focusedFrame = util.weakReference(range.startContainer.ownerDocument.defaultView); }, cancel: function cancel() { this.purgeListeners(); if (this.range) { this.range.deselect(); this.range.descroll(); } }, compareRanges: function compareRanges(r1, r2) { try { return this.backward ? r1.compareBoundaryPoints(r1.END_TO_START, r2) : -r1.compareBoundaryPoints(r1.START_TO_END, r2); } catch (e) { util.reportError(e); return 0; } }, findRange: function findRange(range) { let doc = range.startContainer.ownerDocument; let win = doc.defaultView; let ranges = this.ranges.filter(r => r.window === win && RangeFind.sameDocument(r.range, range) && RangeFind.contains(r.range, range)); if (this.backward) return ranges[ranges.length - 1]; return ranges[0]; }, findSubRanges: function findSubRanges(range) { let doc = range.startContainer.ownerDocument; for (let elem in this.elementPath(doc)) { let r = RangeFind.nodeRange(elem); if (RangeFind.contains(range, r)) yield r; } }, focus: function focus() { if (this.lastRange) var node = DOM.XPath(RangeFind.selectNodePath, this.lastRange.commonAncestorContainer).snapshotItem(0); if (node) { node.focus(); // Re-highlight collapsed selection this.selectedRange = this.lastRange; } }, highlight: function highlight(clear) { if (!clear && (!this.lastString || this.lastString == this.highlighted)) return; if (clear && !this.highlighted) return; if (!clear && this.highlighted) this.highlight(true); if (clear) { this.selections.forEach(function (selection) { selection.removeAllRanges(); }); this.selections = []; this.highlighted = null; } else { this.selections = []; let string = this.lastString; for (let r in this.iter(string)) { let controller = this.range.selectionController; for (let node = r.startContainer; node; node = node.parentNode) if (node instanceof Ci.nsIDOMNSEditableElement) { controller = node.editor.selectionController; break; } let sel = controller.getSelection(Ci.nsISelectionController.SELECTION_FIND); sel.addRange(r); if (this.selections.indexOf(sel) < 0) this.selections.push(sel); } this.highlighted = this.lastString; if (this.lastRange) this.selectedRange = this.lastRange; this.addListeners(); } }, indexIter: function indexIter(private_) { let idx = this.range.index; if (this.backward) var groups = [util.range(idx + 1, 0, -1), util.range(this.ranges.length, idx, -1)]; else var groups = [util.range(idx, this.ranges.length), util.range(0, idx + 1)]; for (let i in groups[0]) yield i; if (!private_) { this.wrapped = true; this.lastRange = null; for (let i in groups[1]) yield i; } }, iter: function iter(word) { let saved = ["lastRange", "lastString", "range", "regexp"].map(s => [s, this[s]]); let res; try { let regexp = this.regexp && word != util.regexp.escape(word); this.lastRange = null; this.regexp = false; if (regexp) { let re = RegExp(word, "gm" + this.flags); for (this.range in array.iterValues(this.ranges)) { for (let match in util.regexp.iterate(re, DOM.stringify(this.range.range, true))) { let lastRange = this.lastRange; if (res = this.find(null, this.reverse, true)) yield res; else this.lastRange = lastRange; } } } else { this.range = this.ranges[0]; this.lastString = word; while (res = this.find(null, this.reverse, true)) yield res; } } finally { saved.forEach(([k, v]) => { this[k] = v; }); } }, makeFrameList: function makeFrameList(win) { const self = this; win = win.top; let frames = []; let backup = null; function pushRange(start, end) { function push(r) { if (r = RangeFind.Range(r, frames.length)) frames.push(r); } let doc = start.startContainer.ownerDocument; let range = doc.createRange(); range.setStart(start.startContainer, start.startOffset); range.setEnd(end.startContainer, end.startOffset); if (!self.elementPath) push(range); else for (let r in self.findSubRanges(range)) push(r); } function rec(win) { let doc = win.document; let pageRange = RangeFind[doc.body ? "nodeRange" : "nodeContents"](doc.body || doc.documentElement); backup = backup || pageRange; let pageStart = RangeFind.endpoint(pageRange, true); let pageEnd = RangeFind.endpoint(pageRange, false); for (let frame in array.iterValues(win.frames)) { let range = doc.createRange(); if (DOM(frame.frameElement).style.visibility == "visible") { range.selectNode(frame.frameElement); pushRange(pageStart, RangeFind.endpoint(range, true)); pageStart = RangeFind.endpoint(range, false); rec(frame); } } pushRange(pageStart, pageEnd); let anonNodes = doc.getAnonymousNodes(doc.documentElement); if (anonNodes) { for (let [, elem] in iter(anonNodes)) { let range = RangeFind.nodeContents(elem); pushRange(RangeFind.endpoint(range, true), RangeFind.endpoint(range, false)); } } } rec(win); if (frames.length == 0) frames[0] = RangeFind.Range(RangeFind.endpoint(backup, true), 0); return frames; }, reset: function reset() { this.ranges = this.makeFrameList(this.content); this.startRange = this.selectedRange; this.startRange.collapse(!this.reverse); this.lastRange = this.selectedRange; this.range = this.findRange(this.startRange) || this.ranges[0]; util.assert(this.range, "Null range", false); this.ranges.first = this.range; this.ranges.forEach(range => { range.save(); }); this.forward = null; this.found = false; }, find: function find(pattern, reverse, private_) { if (!private_ && this.lastRange && !RangeFind.equal(this.selectedRange, this.lastRange)) this.reset(); this.wrapped = false; this.backward = reverse ? !this.reverse : this.reverse; let again = pattern == null; if (again) pattern = this.lastString; if (!this.matchCase) pattern = pattern.toLowerCase(); if (!again && (pattern === "" || pattern.indexOf(this.lastString) !== 0 || this.backward)) { if (!private_) this.range.deselect(); if (pattern === "") this.range.descroll(); this.lastRange = this.startRange; this.range = this.ranges.first; } let word = pattern; let regexp = this.regexp && word != util.regexp.escape(word); if (regexp) try { RegExp(pattern); } catch (e) { pattern = ""; } if (pattern == "") var range = this.startRange; else for (let i in this.indexIter(private_)) { if (!private_ && this.range.window != this.ranges[i].window && this.range.window != this.ranges[i].window.parent) { this.range.descroll(); this.range.deselect(); } this.range = this.ranges[i]; let start = RangeFind.sameDocument(this.lastRange, this.range.range) && this.range.intersects(this.lastRange) ? RangeFind.endpoint(this.lastRange, !(again ^ this.backward)) : RangeFind.endpoint(this.range.range, !this.backward); if (this.backward && !again) start = RangeFind.endpoint(this.startRange, false); if (regexp) { let range = this.range.range.cloneRange(); range[this.backward ? "setEnd" : "setStart"]( start.startContainer, start.startOffset); range = DOM.stringify(range); if (!this.backward) var match = RegExp(pattern, "m" + this.flags).exec(range); else { match = RegExp("[^]*(?:" + pattern + ")", "m" + this.flags).exec(range); if (match) match = RegExp(pattern + "$", this.flags).exec(match[0]); } if (!(match && match[0])) continue; word = match[0]; } var range = this.finder.Find(word, this.range.range, start, this.range.range); if (range && DOM(range.commonAncestorContainer).isVisible) break; } if (range) this.lastRange = range.cloneRange(); if (!private_) { this.lastString = pattern; if (range == null) { this.cancel(); this.found = false; return null; } this.found = true; } if (range && (!private_ || private_ < 0)) this.selectedRange = range; return range; }, get stale() this._stale || this.baseDocument.get() != this.content.document, set stale(val) this._stale = val, addListeners: function addListeners() { for (let range in array.iterValues(this.ranges)) range.window.addEventListener("unload", this.closure.onUnload, true); }, purgeListeners: function purgeListeners() { for (let range in array.iterValues(this.ranges)) try { range.window.removeEventListener("unload", this.closure.onUnload, true); } catch (e if e.result === Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE) {} }, onUnload: function onUnload(event) { this.purgeListeners(); if (this.highlighted) this.highlight(true); this.stale = true; } }, { Range: Class("RangeFind.Range", { init: function init(range, index) { this.index = index; this.range = range; this.document = range.startContainer.ownerDocument; this.window = this.document.defaultView; if (this.selection == null) return false; this.save(); }, docShell: Class.Memoize(function () util.docShell(this.window)), intersects: function (range) RangeFind.intersects(this.range, range), save: function save() { this.scroll = Point(this.window.pageXOffset, this.window.pageYOffset); this.initialSelection = null; if (this.selection.rangeCount) this.initialSelection = this.selection.getRangeAt(0); }, descroll: function descroll() { this.window.scrollTo(this.scroll.x, this.scroll.y); }, deselect: function deselect() { if (this.selection) { this.selection.removeAllRanges(); if (this.initialSelection) this.selection.addRange(this.initialSelection); } }, get selectionController() this.docShell .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsISelectionDisplay) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsISelectionController), get selection() { try { return this.selectionController.getSelection(Ci.nsISelectionController.SELECTION_NORMAL); } catch (e) { return null; } } }), contains: function contains(range, r, quiet) { try { return range.compareBoundaryPoints(range.START_TO_END, r) >= 0 && range.compareBoundaryPoints(range.END_TO_START, r) <= 0; } catch (e) { if (e.result != Cr.NS_ERROR_DOM_WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR && !quiet) util.reportError(e, true); return false; } }, containsNode: function containsNode(range, n, quiet) n.ownerDocument && this.contains(range, RangeFind.nodeRange(n), quiet), intersects: function intersects(range, r) { try { return r.compareBoundaryPoints(range.START_TO_END, range) >= 0 && r.compareBoundaryPoints(range.END_TO_START, range) <= 0; } catch (e) { util.reportError(e, true); return false; } }, endpoint: function endpoint(range, before) { range = range.cloneRange(); range.collapse(before); return range; }, equal: function equal(r1, r2) { try { return !r1.compareBoundaryPoints(r1.START_TO_START, r2) && !r1.compareBoundaryPoints(r1.END_TO_END, r2); } catch (e) { return false; } }, nodeContents: function nodeContents(node) { let range = node.ownerDocument.createRange(); try { range.selectNodeContents(node); } catch (e) {} return range; }, nodeRange: function nodeRange(node) { let range = node.ownerDocument.createRange(); try { range.selectNode(node); } catch (e) {} return range; }, sameDocument: function sameDocument(r1, r2) { if (!(r1 && r2 && r1.endContainer.ownerDocument == r2.endContainer.ownerDocument)) return false; try { r1.compareBoundaryPoints(r1.START_TO_START, r2); } catch (e if e.result == 0x80530004 /* NS_ERROR_DOM_WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR */) { return false; } return true; }, selectNodePath: ["a", "xhtml:a", "*[@onclick]"].map(p => "ancestor-or-self::" + p).join(" | "), union: function union(a, b) { let start = a.compareBoundaryPoints(a.START_TO_START, b) < 0 ? a : b; let end = a.compareBoundaryPoints(a.END_TO_END, b) > 0 ? a : b; let res = start.cloneRange(); res.setEnd(end.endContainer, end.endOffset); return res; } }); // catch(e){ if (typeof e === "string") e = Error(e); dump(e.fileName+":"+e.lineNumber+": "+e+"\n" + e.stack); } endModule(); // vim: set fdm=marker sw=4 sts=4 ts=8 et ft=javascript: