// Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Kris Maglione // // This work is licensed for reuse under an MIT license. Details are // given in the LICENSE.txt file included with this file. "use strict"; defineModule("cache", { exports: ["Cache", "cache"], require: ["config", "services", "util"] }); lazyRequire("overlay", ["overlay"]); lazyRequire("storage", ["File"]); var Cache = Module("Cache", XPCOM(Ci.nsIRequestObserver), { init: function init() { this.queue = []; this.cache = {}; this.providers = {}; this.globalProviders = this.providers; this.providing = {}; this.localProviders = {}; if (JSMLoader.cacheFlush) this.flush(); update(services["dactyl:"].providers, { "cache": function (uri, path) { let contentType = "text/plain"; try { contentType = services.mime.getTypeFromURI(uri); } catch (e) {} if (!cache.cacheReader || !cache.cacheReader.hasEntry(path)) return [contentType, cache.force(path)]; let channel = services.StreamChannel(uri); channel.contentStream = cache.cacheReader.getInputStream(path); channel.contentType = contentType; channel.contentCharset = "UTF-8"; return channel; } }); }, Local: function Local(dactyl, modules, window) ({ init: function init() { delete this.instance; this.providers = {}; }, isLocal: true }), parse: function parse(str) { if (~'{['.indexOf(str[0])) return JSON.parse(str); return str; }, stringify: function stringify(obj) { if (isString(obj)) return obj; return JSON.stringify(obj); }, compression: 9, cacheFile: Class.Memoize(function () { let dir = File(services.directory.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile)) .child("dactyl"); if (!dir.exists()) dir.create(dir.DIRECTORY_TYPE, octal(777)); return dir.child("cache.zip"); }), get cacheReader() { if (!this._cacheReader && this.cacheFile.exists() && !this.inQueue) try { this._cacheReader = services.ZipReader(this.cacheFile.file); } catch (e if e.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_CORRUPTED) { util.reportError(e); this.closeWriter(); this.cacheFile.remove(false); } return this._cacheReader; }, get inQueue() this._cacheWriter && this._cacheWriter.inQueue, getCacheWriter: function () { if (!this._cacheWriter) try { let mode = File.MODE_RDWR; if (!this.cacheFile.exists()) mode |= File.MODE_CREATE; cache._cacheWriter = services.ZipWriter(this.cacheFile.file, mode); } catch (e if e.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_CORRUPTED) { util.reportError(e); this.cacheFile.remove(false); mode |= File.MODE_CREATE; cache._cacheWriter = services.ZipWriter(this.cacheFile.file, mode); } return this._cacheWriter; }, closeReader: function closeReader() { if (cache._cacheReader) { this.cacheReader.close(); delete cache._cacheReader; } }, closeWriter: util.wrapCallback(function closeWriter() { this.closeReader(); if (this._cacheWriter) { this._cacheWriter.close(); delete cache._cacheWriter; // ZipWriter bug. if (this.cacheFile.fileSize <= 22) this.cacheFile.remove(false); } }), flush: function flush() { cache.cache = {}; if (this.cacheFile.exists()) { this.closeReader(); this.flushJAR(this.cacheFile); this.cacheFile.remove(false); } }, flushAll: function flushAll(file) { this.flushStartup(); this.flush(); }, flushEntry: function flushEntry(name, time) { if (this.cacheReader && this.cacheReader.hasEntry(name)) { if (time && this.cacheReader.getEntry(name).lastModifiedTime / 1000 >= time) return; this.queue.push([null, name]); cache.processQueue(); } delete this.cache[name]; }, flushJAR: function flushJAR(file) { services.observer.notifyObservers(File(file).file, "flush-cache-entry", ""); }, flushStartup: function flushStartup() { services.observer.notifyObservers(null, "startupcache-invalidate", ""); }, force: function force(name, localOnly) { util.waitFor(() => !this.inQueue); if (this.cacheReader && this.cacheReader.hasEntry(name)) { return this.parse(File.readStream( this.cacheReader.getInputStream(name))); } if (Set.has(this.localProviders, name) && !this.isLocal) { for each (let { cache } in overlay.modules) if (cache._has(name)) return cache.force(name, true); } if (Set.has(this.providers, name)) { util.assert(!Set.add(this.providing, name), "Already generating cache for " + name, false); try { let [func, self] = this.providers[name]; this.cache[name] = func.call(self || this, name); } finally { delete this.providing[name]; } cache.queue.push([Date.now(), name]); cache.processQueue(); return this.cache[name]; } if (this.isLocal && !localOnly) return cache.force(name); }, get: function get(name, callback, self) { if (!Set.has(this.cache, name)) { if (callback && !(Set.has(this.providers, name) || Set.has(this.localProviders, name))) this.register(name, callback, self); this.cache[name] = this.force(name); util.assert(this.cache[name] !== undefined, "No such cache key", false); } return this.cache[name]; }, _has: function _has(name) Set.has(this.providers, name) || set.has(this.cache, name), has: function has(name) [this.globalProviders, this.cache, this.localProviders] .some(obj => Set.has(obj, name)), register: function register(name, callback, self) { if (this.isLocal) Set.add(this.localProviders, name); this.providers[name] = [callback, self]; }, processQueue: function processQueue() { this.closeReader(); this.closeWriter(); if (this.queue.length && !this.inQueue) { // removeEntry does not work properly with queues. let removed = 0; for each (let [, entry] in this.queue) if (this.getCacheWriter().hasEntry(entry)) { this.getCacheWriter().removeEntry(entry, false); removed++; } if (removed) this.closeWriter(); this.queue.splice(0).forEach(function ([time, entry]) { if (time && Set.has(this.cache, entry)) { let stream = services.CharsetConv("UTF-8") .convertToInputStream(this.stringify(this.cache[entry])); this.getCacheWriter().addEntryStream(entry, time * 1000, this.compression, stream, true); } }, this); if (this._cacheWriter) this.getCacheWriter().processQueue(this, null); } }, onStopRequest: function onStopRequest() { this.processQueue(); } }); endModule(); // catch(e){ if (typeof e === "string") e = Error(e); dump(e.fileName+":"+e.lineNumber+": "+e+"\n" + e.stack); } // vim: set fdm=marker sw=4 sts=4 ts=8 et ft=javascript: