#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Debbugs::Config qw(:config); use Debbugs::CGI qw(cgi_parameters); use Debbugs::Common; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); use File::LibMagic; use File::Temp qw(tempfile); use Debbugs::Libravatar qw(:libravatar); use Libravatar::URL; use HTTP::Request; use CGI::Simple; use Cwd qw(abs_path); my $q = CGI::Simple->new(); my %param = cgi_parameters(query => $q, single => [qw(email avatar default)], default => {avatar => 'yes', default => $config{libravatar_uri_options}, }, ); # if avatar is no, serve the empty png if ($param{avatar} ne 'yes' or not defined $param{email} or not length $param{email}) { serve_cache('',$q); exit 0; } # figure out what the md5sum of the e-mail is. my $email_md5sum = md5_hex(lc($param{email})); my $cache_location = cache_location(email => lc($param{email})); # if we've got it, and it's less than one hour old, return it. if (cache_valid($cache_location)) { serve_cache($cache_location,$q); exit 0; } # if we don't have it, get it, and store it in the cache $cache_location = retrieve_libravatar(location => $cache_location, email => lc($param{email}), ); if (not defined $cache_location) { # failure, serve the default image serve_cache('',$q); exit 0; } else { serve_cache($cache_location,$q); exit 0; } sub serve_cache { my ($cache_location,$q) = @_; if (not defined $cache_location or not length $cache_location) { # serve the default image $cache_location = $config{libravatar_default_image}; } my $fh = IO::File->new($cache_location,'r') or error($q,404, "Failed to open cached image $cache_location"); my $m = File::LibMagic->new() or error($q,500,'Unable to create File::LibMagic object'); my $mime_string = $m->checktype_filename(abs_path($cache_location)) or error($q,500,'Bad file; no mime known'); print $q->header(-type => $mime_string, -expires => '+1d', ); print <$fh>; close($fh); } sub error { my ($q,$error,$text) = @_; $text //= ''; print $q->header(-status => $error); print "

$error: $text

"; exit 0; }