#!/usr/bin/perl -wT package debbugs; use strict; if (defined $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} and $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} =~ m/^(72\.17\.168\.57|60\.238\.143\.248|61\.224\.27\.141|146\.82\.138\.7|61\.214\.28\.119|84\.189\.46\.3|82\.124\.165\.25|220\.181\.26\.108|220\.95\.221\.\d+|82\.120\.77\.220|80\.68\.89\.71|66\.227\.249\.188|194\.46\.224\.153|66\.246\.72\.81|60\.42\.181\.163)$/) { print "Content-Type: text/html\n\nGo away."; sleep(5); exit 0; } use POSIX qw(strftime tzset); use MIME::Parser; use MIME::Decoder; use IO::Scalar; use IO::File; #require '/usr/lib/debbugs/errorlib'; require './common.pl'; require '/etc/debbugs/config'; require '/etc/debbugs/text'; use vars(qw($gEmailDomain $gHTMLTail $gSpoolDir $gWebDomain)); # for read_log_records use Debbugs::Log; use Debbugs::MIME qw(convert_to_utf8 decode_rfc1522); use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number); my %param = readparse(); my $tail_html; my $ref = $param{'bug'} || quitcgi("No bug number"); $ref =~ /(\d+)/ or quitcgi("Invalid bug number"); $ref = $1; my $short = "#$ref"; my $msg = $param{'msg'} || ""; my $att = $param{'att'}; my $boring = ($param{'boring'} || 'no') eq 'yes'; my $terse = ($param{'terse'} || 'no') eq 'yes'; my $reverse = ($param{'reverse'} || 'no') eq 'yes'; my $mbox = ($param{'mbox'} || 'no') eq 'yes'; my $mime = ($param{'mime'} || 'yes') eq 'yes'; my $trim_headers = ($param{trim} || ($msg?'no':'yes')) eq 'yes'; # Not used by this script directly, but fetch these so that pkgurl() and # friends can propagate them correctly. my $archive = ($param{'archive'} || 'no') eq 'yes'; my $repeatmerged = ($param{'repeatmerged'} || 'yes') eq 'yes'; set_option('archive', $archive); set_option('repeatmerged', $repeatmerged); my $buglog = buglog($ref); if (defined $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} and $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} eq 'HEAD' and not defined($att) and not $mbox) { print "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n"; my @stat = stat $buglog; if (@stat) { my $mtime = strftime '%a, %d %b %Y %T GMT', gmtime($stat[9]); print "Last-Modified: $mtime\n"; } print "\n"; exit 0; } sub display_entity ($$$$\$\@); sub display_entity ($$$$\$\@) { my $entity = shift; my $ref = shift; my $top = shift; my $xmessage = shift; my $this = shift; my $attachments = shift; my $head = $entity->head; my $disposition = $head->mime_attr('content-disposition'); $disposition = 'inline' if not defined $disposition or $disposition eq ''; my $type = $entity->effective_type; my $filename = $entity->head->recommended_filename; $filename = '' unless defined $filename; $filename = decode_rfc1522($filename); if ($top and not $terse) { my $header = $entity->head; $$this .= "
	 if ($trim_headers) {
	      my @headers;
	      foreach (qw(From To Cc Subject Date)) {
		   my $head_field = $head->get($_);
		   next unless defined $head_field and $head_field ne '';
		   push @headers, qq($_: ) . htmlsanit(decode_rfc1522($head_field));
	      $$this .= join(qq(), @headers) unless $terse;
	 } else {
	      $$this .= htmlsanit(decode_rfc1522($entity->head->stringify));
	 $$this .= "
\n"; } unless (($top and $type =~ m[^text(?:/plain)?(?:;|$)]) or ($type =~ m[^multipart/])) { push @$attachments, $entity; my @dlargs = ($ref, "msg=$xmessage", "att=$#$attachments"); push @dlargs, "filename=$filename" if $filename ne ''; my $printname = $filename; $printname = 'Message part ' . ($#$attachments + 1) if $filename eq ''; $$this .= '
[$printname } .
		  "($type, $disposition)]
\n"; if ($msg and defined($att) and $att eq $#$attachments) { my $head = $entity->head; chomp(my $type = $entity->effective_type); my $body = $entity->stringify_body; print "Content-Type: $type"; my ($charset) = $head->get('Content-Type:') =~ m/charset\s*=\s*\"?([\w-]+)\"?/i; print qq(; charset="$charset") if defined $charset; print "\n"; if ($filename ne '') { my $qf = $filename; $qf =~ s/"/\\"/g; $qf =~ s[.*/][]; print qq{Content-Disposition: inline; filename="$qf"\n}; } print "\n"; my $decoder = new MIME::Decoder($head->mime_encoding); $decoder->decode(new IO::Scalar(\$body), \*STDOUT); exit(0); } } return if not $top and $disposition eq 'attachment' and not defined($att); return unless ($type =~ m[^text/?] and $type !~ m[^text/(?:html|enriched)(?:;|$)]) or $type =~ m[^application/pgp(?:;|$)] or $entity->parts; if ($entity->is_multipart) { my @parts = $entity->parts; foreach my $part (@parts) { display_entity($part, $ref, 0, $xmessage, $$this, @$attachments); $$this .= "\n"; } } elsif ($entity->parts) { # We must be dealing with a nested message. $$this .= "
\n"; my @parts = $entity->parts; foreach my $part (@parts) { display_entity($part, $ref, 1, $xmessage, $$this, @$attachments); $$this .= "\n"; } $$this .= "
\n"; } else { if (not $terse) { my $content_type = $entity->head->get('Content-Type:') || "text/html"; my ($charset) = $content_type =~ m/charset\s*=\s*\"?([\w-]+)\"?/i; my $body = $entity->bodyhandle->as_string; $body = convert_to_utf8($body,$charset) if defined $charset; $body = htmlsanit($body); $body =~ s,((ftp|http|https)://[\S~-]+?/?)((\>\;)?[)]?[']?[:.\,]?(\s|$)),$1$3,go; $$this .= "
	      $$this .= $body;
	      $$this .= "
\n"; } } } my %maintainer = %{getmaintainers()}; my %pkgsrc = %{getpkgsrc()}; my $indexentry; my $showseverity; my $tpack; my $tmain; $ENV{"TZ"} = 'UTC'; tzset(); my $dtime = strftime "%a, %e %b %Y %T UTC", localtime; $tail_html = $debbugs::gHTMLTail; $tail_html =~ s/SUBSTITUTE_DTIME/$dtime/; my %status = %{getbugstatus($ref)}; unless (%status) { print < $short - $debbugs::gProject $debbugs::gBug report logs

$debbugs::gProject $debbugs::gBug report logs - $short

There is no record of $debbugs::gBug $short. Try the search page instead.

$tail_html EOF exit 0; } $|=1; $tpack = lc $status{'package'}; my @tpacks = splitpackages($tpack); if ($status{severity} eq 'normal') { $showseverity = ''; } elsif (isstrongseverity($status{severity})) { $showseverity = "Severity: $status{severity};\n"; } else { $showseverity = "Severity: $status{severity};\n"; } $indexentry .= "
\n"; $indexentry .= htmlpackagelinks($status{package}, 0) . ";\n"; foreach my $pkg (@tpacks) { my $tmaint = defined($maintainer{$pkg}) ? $maintainer{$pkg} : '(unknown)'; my $tsrc = defined($pkgsrc{$pkg}) ? $pkgsrc{$pkg} : '(unknown)'; $indexentry .= htmlmaintlinks(sub { $_[0] == 1 ? "Maintainer for $pkg is\n" : "Maintainers for $pkg are\n" }, $tmaint); $indexentry .= ";\nSource for $pkg is\n". '$tsrc" if ($tsrc ne "(unknown)"); $indexentry .= ".\n"; } $indexentry .= "
"; $indexentry .= htmladdresslinks("Reported by: ", \&submitterurl, $status{originator}) . ";\n"; $indexentry .= sprintf "Date: %s.\n", (strftime "%a, %e %b %Y %T UTC", localtime($status{date})); $indexentry .= "
Owned by: " . htmlsanit($status{owner}) . ".\n" if length $status{owner}; $indexentry .= "
\n"; my @descstates; $indexentry .= "

$showseverity"; $indexentry .= sprintf "Tags: %s;\n", htmlsanit(join(", ", sort(split(/\s+/, $status{tags})))) if length($status{tags}); $indexentry .= "
" if (length($showseverity) or length($status{tags})); my @merged= split(/ /,$status{mergedwith}); if (@merged) { my $descmerged = 'Merged with '; my $mseparator = ''; for my $m (@merged) { $descmerged .= $mseparator."#$m"; $mseparator= ",\n"; } push @descstates, $descmerged; } if (@{$status{found_versions}}) { my $foundtext = 'Found in '; $foundtext .= (@{$status{found_versions}} == 1) ? 'version ' : 'versions '; $foundtext .= join ', ', map htmlsanit($_), @{$status{found_versions}}; push @descstates, $foundtext; } if (@{$status{fixed_versions}}) { my $fixedtext = 'Fixed in '; $fixedtext .= (@{$status{fixed_versions}} == 1) ? 'version ' : 'versions '; $fixedtext .= join ', ', map htmlsanit($_), @{$status{fixed_versions}}; if (length($status{done})) { $fixedtext .= ' by ' . htmlsanit(decode_rfc1522($status{done})); } push @descstates, $fixedtext; } elsif (length($status{done})) { push @descstates, "Done: ".htmlsanit(decode_rfc1522($status{done})); } elsif (length($status{forwarded})) { push @descstates, "Forwarded to ".maybelink($status{forwarded}); } my @blockedby= split(/ /, $status{blockedby}); if (@blockedby && $status{"pending"} ne 'fixed' && ! length($status{done})) { for my $b (@blockedby) { my %s = %{getbugstatus($b)}; next if $s{"pending"} eq 'fixed' || length $s{done}; push @descstates, "Fix blocked by #$b: ".htmlsanit($s{subject}); } } my @blocks= split(/ /, $status{blocks}); if (@blocks && $status{"pending"} ne 'fixed' && ! length($status{done})) { for my $b (@blocks) { my %s = %{getbugstatus($b)}; next if $s{"pending"} eq 'fixed' || length $s{done}; push @descstates, "Blocking fix for #$b: ".htmlsanit($s{subject}); } } if ($buglog !~ m#^\Q$gSpoolDir/db#) { push @descstates, "Bug is archived. No further changes may be made"; } $indexentry .= join(";\n
", @descstates) . ".\n" if @descstates; $indexentry .= "

\n"; my $descriptivehead = $indexentry; my $buglogfh; if ($buglog =~ m/\.gz$/) { my $oldpath = $ENV{'PATH'}; $ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/bin'; $buglogfh = new IO::File "zcat $buglog |" or &quitcgi("open log for $ref: $!"); $ENV{'PATH'} = $oldpath; } else { $buglogfh = new IO::File "<$buglog" or &quitcgi("open log for $ref: $!"); } my @records; eval{ @records = read_log_records($buglogfh); }; if ($@) { quitcgi("Bad bug log for $debbugs::gBug $ref. Unable to read records: $@"); } undef $buglogfh; =head2 handle_email_message handle_email_message($record->{text}, ref => $bug_number, msg_number => $msg_number, ); Returns a decoded e-mail message and displays entities/attachments as appropriate. =cut sub handle_email_message{ my ($email,%options) = @_; my $output = ''; my $parser = new MIME::Parser; $parser->tmp_to_core(1); $parser->output_to_core(1); # $parser->output_under("/tmp"); my $entity = $parser->parse_data( $email); # TODO: make local subdir, clean it ourselves # the following does NOT delete the msg dirs in /tmp END { if ( $entity ) { $entity->purge; } if ( $parser ) { $parser->filer->purge; } } my @attachments = (); display_entity($entity, $options{ref}, 1, $options{msg_number}, $output, @attachments); return $output; } =head2 bug_links bug_links($one_bug); bug_links($starting_bug,$stoping_bugs,); Creates a set of links to bugs, starting with bug number $starting_bug, and finishing with $stoping_bug; if only one bug is passed, makes a link to only a single bug. The content of the link is the bug number. =cut sub bug_links{ my ($start,$stop,$query_arguments) = @_; $stop = $stop || $start; $query_arguments ||= ''; my @output; for my $bug ($start..$stop) { push @output,'$bug); } return join(', ',@output); } =head2 handle_record push @log, handle_record($record,$ref,$msg_num); Deals with a record in a bug log as returned by L; returns the log information that should be output to the browser. =cut sub handle_record{ my ($record,$bug_number,$msg_number,$seen_msg_ids) = @_; my $output = ''; local $_ = $record->{type}; if (/html/) { $output .= decode_rfc1522($record->{text}); # Link to forwarded http:// urls in the midst of the report # (even though these links already exist at the top) $output =~ s,((?:ftp|http|https)://[\S~-]+?/?)([\)\'\:\.\,]?(?:\s|\.<|$)),$1$2,go; # Add links to the cloned bugs $output =~ s{(Bug )(\d+)( cloned as bugs? )(\d+)(?:\-(\d+)|)}{$1.bug_links($2).$3.bug_links($4,$5)}eo; # Add links to merged bugs $output =~ s{(?<=Merged )([\d\s]+)(?=\.)}{join(' ',map {bug_links($_)} (split /\s+/, $1))}eo; $output .= 'Full text and rfc822 format available.'; $output = "
\n" . $output . "
\n"; } elsif (/recips/) { my ($msg_id) = $record->{text} =~ /^Message-Id:\s+<(.+)>/im; if (defined $msg_id and exists $$seen_msg_ids{$msg_id}) { return (); } elsif (defined $msg_id) { $$seen_msg_ids{$msg_id} = 1; } $output .= 'View this message in rfc822 format'; $output .= handle_email_message($record->{text}, ref => $bug_number, msg_number => $msg_number, ); } elsif (/autocheck/) { # Do nothing } elsif (/incoming-recv/) { my ($msg_id) = $record->{text} =~ /^Message-Id:\s+<(.+)>/im; if (defined $msg_id and exists $$seen_msg_ids{$msg_id}) { return (); } elsif (defined $msg_id) { $$seen_msg_ids{$msg_id} = 1; } # Incomming Mail Message my ($received,$hostname) = $record->{text} =~ m/Received: \(at (\S+)\) by (\S+)\;/; $output .= qq|

Message received at |. htmlsanit("$received\@$hostname") . q| (full text'.q|, mbox)'.":

\n"; $output .= handle_email_message($record->{text}, ref => $bug_number, msg_number => $msg_number, ); } else { die "Unknown record type $_"; } return $output; } my $log=''; my $msg_num = 0; my $skip_next = 0; if (looks_like_number($msg) and ($msg-1) <= $#records) { @records = ($records[$msg-1]); $msg_num = $msg - 1; } my @log; if ( $mbox ) { if (@records > 1) { print qq(Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="bug_${ref}.mbox"\n); print "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n"; } else { $msg_num++; print qq(Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="bug_${ref}_message_${msg_num}.mbox"\n); print "Content-Type: message/rfc822\n\n"; } for my $record (@records) { next if $record->{type} !~ /^(?:recips|incoming-recv)$/; next if not $boring and $record->{type} eq 'recips' and @records > 1; my @lines = split( "\n", $record->{text}, -1 ); if ( $lines[ 1 ] =~ m/^From / ) { my $tmp = $lines[ 0 ]; $lines[ 0 ] = $lines[ 1 ]; $lines[ 1 ] = $tmp; } if ( !( $lines[ 0 ] =~ m/^From / ) ) { my $date = strftime "%a %b %d %T %Y", localtime; unshift @lines, "From unknown $date"; } map { s/^(>*From )/>$1/ } @lines[ 1 .. $#lines ]; print join( "\n", @lines ) . "\n"; } exit 0; } else { my %seen_msg_ids; for my $record (@records) { $msg_num++; if ($skip_next) { $skip_next = 0; next; } $skip_next = 1 if $record->{type} eq 'html' and not $boring; push @log, handle_record($record,$ref,$msg_num,\%seen_msg_ids); } } @log = reverse @log if $reverse; $log = join('
',@log); print "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n"; my $title = htmlsanit($status{subject}); my $dummy2 = $debbugs::gWebHostBugDir; print "\n"; print "\n" . "$short - $title - $debbugs::gProject $debbugs::gBug report logs\n" . ''. "" . "\n" . '' . "\n"; print "

" . "$debbugs::gProject $debbugs::gBug report logs - $short" . "
" . $title . "

\n"; print "$descriptivehead\n"; printf "

View this report as an mbox folder.

\n", bugurl($ref, "mbox"); print "
"; print "$log"; print "
"; print "

Send a report that this bug log contains spam.

\n"; print $tail_html; print "\n"; exit 0;