From f6da83e15ba2e7935c9c0efb7a5453d0c968e7d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Don Armstrong Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2017 15:34:49 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] add start of resume --- Makefile | 16 ++++++ | 140 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ dlaresume.cls | 139 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3 files changed, 295 insertions(+) create mode 100644 Makefile create mode 100644 create mode 100644 dlaresume.cls diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7148a54 --- /dev/null +++ b/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +#!/usr/bin/make + +EMACSARGS=--batch -l ~/.emacs +EMACS=emacs + + +all: dla-resume.pdf + +# dla-resume.pdf: dla-resume.tex $(wildcard *.bib) +# latexmk -pdf -pdflatex="xelatex -interaction=nonstopmode" -bibtex -use-make $< + + +dla-resume.pdf: + $(EMACS) $(EMACSARGS) --visit $^ \ + --eval "(setq org-latex-remove-logfiles nil)" \ + --funcall org-latex-export-to-pdf diff --git a/ b/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2beb3c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/ @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +#+OPTIONS: ^:nil +#+OPTIONS: toc:nil +#+TITLE: Resume +#+AUTHOR: Don Armstrong +#+LATEX_CMD: xelatex +#+LATEX_CLASS: dlaresume +#+LATEX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [10pt,breaklinks] + +#+BEGIN_EXPORT latex + %% Name + \noindent{\Huge {\textsc{\textbf{\myauthor}}}} + \hfill + \begin{minipage}[t]{0.0in} + % dummy (needed here) + \end{minipage} + \medskip + % Address and contact block + \hfill + \begin{minipage}[t]{1.7in} + \flushright {\footnotesize + \myphone \\ + \href{mailto:\myemail}{\myemail} \\ + \href{\myweb}{\myweb}} + \end{minipage} + + \medskip + +#+END_EXPORT + +#+BEGIN_EXPORT latex +\begin{minipage}[t]{0.33\textwidth} +#+END_EXPORT + +* Education +** UC Riverside ++ *PhD* in Cell, Molecular and Developmental Biology. July 2008. ++ *BS* in Biology. July 2001. +* Skills +** Statistics + + Multiple testing and confounders + + Genetic epidemiology of human populations + + Modeling (GLM, ordered models, etc.) +** -omics + + DNA Methylation analysis in humans and non-model organisms + + RNA quantification and differential analysis using RNAseq and + arrays in humans and non-model organisms + + DNA variant calling and analysis in tens of thousands of samples +** Software Development + + Languages: perl, R, C, C++, assembly, sh + + Collaborative Development: git, issue tracking, testing harnesses + + Databases: Postgresql (PL/SQL), SQLite, Mysql +** Parallel and Cloud Computing + + Inter-process communication: MPI, OpenMP, Hadoop + + Filestorage: Gluster, CEFS, GPFS, Lustre + + Cloud based-infrastructure: Azure, AWS, Docker, cloud-init + + Debian GNU/Linux system administration + +#+BEGIN_EXPORT latex +\end{minipage} +\hfill +\begin{minipage}[t]{0.66\textwidth} + +#+END_EXPORT +* Experience +** Research Scientist at UIUC ++ 2015--Present. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Epigenetic + modifications associated with PTSD, the genomic basis of the + development of parturition in mammals, and detecting adverse + pregnancy outcomes. +** Postdoctoral Researcher at USC ++ 2013--2015. Identifying genes and causal alleles associated with + Systemic Lupus Erythematosus using genome-wide association, + next-generation sequencing, computational and biochemical + approaches. +** Postdoctoral Researcher at UCR ++ 2010--2012. Identifying genes which are associated with Systemic + Lupus Erythematosus using prior information and targeted trio-based + studies. +** Debian Developer with the Debian Project ++ 2004--Present. \emph{Debian Project}, Developer; Technical Committee + Member (2010--Present), Technical Committee Chair (2015--2016). +* Authored Software ++ *[[][Debbugs]]*: Bug tracking software for the Debian GNU/Linux + distribution. [[]] ++ *[[][CairoHacks]]*: Bookmarks and Raster images for large PDF plots in R. ++ *[[][Function2Gene]]*: Gene selection tool based on literature mining which + enables Bayesian approaches to significance testing. ++ *[[][Helical Wheel Projections]]*: Web-based tool to draw helical wheel + protein projections. [[]] +* Publications ++ 20 peer-reviewed refereed publications cited over 1700 times ++ Publication record in GWAS, expression analysis + +#+BEGIN_EXPORT latex +\end{minipage} +#+END_EXPORT + +* Funding and Awards +** Grants ++ 2017 R Consortium: *[[][Adding Linux Binary Builders to R-Hub]]* Role: + Co-PI ++ 2015 Blue Waters Allocation Grant: *Making ancestral trees using Bayesian + inference to identify disease-causing genetic variants* Role: + Primary Investigator ++ BD2K Mentored Career Development Award: *Predicting individualized* + *chemotherapeutic treatment outcomes using large multi-omics and* + *clinical datasets* (K01 RFA-ES-16-002) (under review) Role: PI ++ *Mechanism of PR Resistance in Endometriosis* (R01 RFA-HD-16-036) + (under review) Role: Co-PI ++ *Tracking placenta and uterine funciton using urinary extracellular vesicles* (R21 + RFA-HD-16-037) (under review) Role: Key Personnel ++ *Molecular Transducers of Physical Activity Bioinformatics Center* + (U24 RFA-RM-15-012) (under review) Role: Key Personnel ++ *NIAMS* R01-AR045650-04 *Genetics of Childhood Onset SLE* to Chaim O. Jacob. + Role: Key Personnel +** Conference Awards ++ 2007 FOCIS Trainee Award ++ 2009 FOCIS Trainee Award +** Scholarships and Fellowships ++ 2001--2003: University of California, Riverside Doctoral Fellowship ++ 1997--2001: Regents of the University of California Scholarship. +* Service +** Consortiums ++ *H3A Bionet*: Generating workflows and cloud resources for + bioinformatics analysis as part of the H3 Africa consortium ++ *Psychiatric Genomics Consortium*: Identification of epigenetic + variants which are correlated with PTSD. ++ *SLEGEN*: System lupus erythematosus genetics consortium. +** Mentoring ++ *Laren Riesche*: Differential methylation of marmoset placentas + using RRBS. Statistical training and bioinformatics training + resulting in PhD in Nursing. 2016-2017. ++ *Christine Y. Chan*: Ancestral trees for disease predictions. 2016 ++ *[[][Phillip Kern]]*: GUI for Debian's bug tracking system. ++ *[[][Virginia King]]*: Improving documentation of Debian's Bug Tracking system. +** Reviewing ++ /Ad hoc/ reviewer for PLoS One. + + + diff --git a/dlaresume.cls b/dlaresume.cls new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e152e81 --- /dev/null +++ b/dlaresume.cls @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} +\ProvidesClass{dlaresume}[2017/01/21 DLA Resume Class] + +\RequirePackage{ifthen} +\RequirePackage{xkeyval} + +%\DeclareOptionX*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}} +\ProcessOptionsX* + +% much of this was borrowed from Mako's work: git:// + +% include data on fonts +\LoadClass{article} + +\RequirePackage{fontspec} + +\setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX]{FreeSerif} +\setsansfont{FreeSans} +\setmonofont{FreeMono} + +\RequirePackage{lastpage} +\PassOptionsToPackage{letterpaper,margin=1in,left=1in,ignoreall=true}{geometry} +\RequirePackage{geometry} +\RequirePackage{url} +\RequirePackage{fancyhdr} +\PassOptionsToPackage{final}{graphicx} +\RequirePackage{graphicx} +\PassOptionsToPackage{labelfont=bf,font=sl}{caption} +\RequirePackage{caption} +\RequirePackage{multirow} +\PassOptionsToPackage{usenames,dvipsnames}{color} +\RequirePackage{color} +\PassOptionsToPackage{x11names,svgnames,table}{xcolor} +\RequirePackage{xcolor} +\RequirePackage{hyperref} +\PassOptionsToPackage{nomargin,inline}{fixme} +\RequirePackage{fixme} +\PassOptionsToPackage{capitalize}{cleveref} +\RequirePackage{cleveref} +\PassOptionsToPackage{backend=biber,hyperref=true,style=numeric-comp}{biblatex} +\RequirePackage{biblatex} +\addbibresource{references.bib} + +\hypersetup{colorlinks=true, linkcolor=Black, citecolor=Black, filecolor=Black, + urlcolor=Black, unicode=true} +\urlstyle{same} +% customize the titles so that they appear in the right margin +\RequirePackage{titlesec} + +%\AtBeginDocument{ +\setlength{\marginparwidth}{0in} +\setlength{\titlewidth}{0in} +% set the default indent to nothing +\setlength{\parindent}{0em} +%} +\makeatletter +% \newif\if@aftersec +% \newcommand\setsubskip{% +% \global\@aftersectrue +% \everypar{% +% \global\@aftersecfalse +% \if@noskipsec +% \global\@noskipsecfalse +% \clubpenalty\@M +% \hskip-\parindent +% \begingroup +% \@svsechd\unskip{\hspace{\@tempskipb}}% +% \endgroup +% \else +% \clubpenalty\@clubpenalty\everypar{}% +% \fi}} + +% \newcommand\subskip{% +% \if@aftersec +% \removelastskip% EDIT 2 +% \vspace{-\baselineskip}% EDIT 2 ?????????????? +% \else +% \removelastskip% +% \vspace{0.5em} +% \fi +% \global\@aftersecfalse} +\makeatother + +\definecolor{date}{HTML}{666666} +\definecolor{primary}{HTML}{0b0b0b} +\definecolor{headings}{HTML}{1A1A1A} +\definecolor{subheadings}{HTML}{3A3A3A} + +\titleformat{\section}{% +\color{headings}\fontsize{16pt}{20pt}\selectfont% + \raggedright\scshape}{}{0pt}{} +\titlespacing*{\section}{0pt}{0ex}{0cm} +\titleformat{\subsection}{% +\color{subheadings}\fontsize{14pt}{18pt}\selectfont% + \raggedright \scshape}{}{0pt}{} +\titlespacing*{\subsection}{0pt}{0ex}{0ex} + +\def\myauthor{Don Armstrong} +\def\mytitle{Resume} +\def\mycopyright{\myauthor} +\def\myaddress{} +\def\myemail{} +\def\myweb{} +\def\myphone{+1 714-813-8531} + +% create a special cvlist environment to format the items +\newenvironment{cvlist}{ +\begin{list}{-}{\leftmargin=0em \itemindent=1.0em} + \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt} + \setlength{\parskip}{0em} + \setlength{\parsep}{1em} + \setlength{\parindent}{0em}}% +{\vspace{1em} +\end{list}} + +\renewenvironment{itemize}{\begin{cvlist}}{\end{cvlist}} +\newcounter{cvlistenumcounter} + +\newenvironment{cvlistenum}{ +\begin{list}{\arabic{cvlistenumcounter}. }{\usecounter{cvlistenumcounter}\leftmargin=3.0em \itemindent=-3.0em} + \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt} + \setlength{\parskip}{0em} + \setlength{\parsep}{1em} + \setlength{\parindent}{0em}}% +{\vspace{1em} +\end{list}} + +\renewenvironment{enumerate}{\begin{cvlistenum}}{\end{cvlistenum}} +% no title +\renewcommand{\maketitle}{} + +% Page layout +\pagestyle{fancy} +\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} +\fancyhead{} +\fancyfoot{} +\makeatletter + \fancyfoot[C]{{\scriptsize \@title \ of \@author \ -- Page \thepage\ of\ \pageref{LastPage}}} +\makeatother \ No newline at end of file -- 2.39.2