+# (X)Emacs mode: -*- cperl -*-
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Term::ProgressBar;
+=head1 Unit Test Package for Term::ProgressBar
+This package tests the basic functionality of Term::ProgressBar.
+use Test::More tests => 8;
+use Test::Exception;
+use Capture::Tiny qw(capture_stderr);
+my $MESSAGE1 = 'Walking on the Milky Way';
+# -------------------------------------
+=head2 Test
+Create a progress bar with 10 things.
+Update it it from 1 to 10. Verify that it has no output.
+ my $err = capture_stderr {
+ my $p;
+ lives_ok { $p = Term::ProgressBar->new({ count => 10, silent => 1}); } 'Count 1-10 (1)';
+ lives_ok { $p->update($_) for 1..5 } 'Count 1-10 (2)';
+ lives_ok { $p->message($MESSAGE1) } 'Count 1-10 (3)';
+ lives_ok { $p->update($_) for 6..10 } 'Count 1-10 (4)';
+ };
+ diag "ERR:\n$err\nlength: " . length($err)
+ ok !$err, 'We should have no output';
+# -------------------------------------
+=head2 Tests 9--11: Message Check
+Run a progress bar from 0 to 100, each time calling a message after an update.
+Check that we still have no output.
+ my $err = capture_stderr {
+ my $p;
+ lives_ok { $p = Term::ProgressBar->new({ count => 100, silent => 1}); } 'Message Check ( 1)';
+ lives_ok { for (0..100) { $p->update($_); $p->message("Hello") } } 'Message Check ( 2)';
+ };
+ ok !$err, 'We should sill have no output';
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------