#!/bin/bash # no undefined set -u # no failures set -e CMD=echo family=$1 dist=$2 arch=$3 # limit to 1 for now dscfile=$4 dscfilef=$(readlink -f $dscfile) dscfilebase=${dscfilef%%.dsc} pkg=${dscfile%_*} #? TODO -- should be a parameter as well? testdir=$PWD/$pkg-$arch.test-bdepends bindir=$testdir/bin debdir=$testdir/debs srcdir=$testdir/srcs oldbuildsdir=$srcdir/old newbuildsdir=$srcdir/new echo "I: Building the new package for $pkg" mkdir -p $debdir $srcdir $bindir $CMD nd_build $family $dist $arch $dscfile --buildresult=$debdir cd $debdir dpkg-scanpackages . >| Packages cd - > /dev/null echo "I: Fetching all bdepends for $pkg in $family $dist under $arch" # need first to provide the necessary scripts out there cp -p $(dirname $0)/nd_fetch_bdepends $bindir $CMD nd_execute $family $dist $arch --bindmounts $testdir $bindir/nd_fetch_bdepends $pkg $srcdir echo "I: preparing the hook" cat << EOF >| $bindir/D00add_custom_repo echo 'deb file://$debdir ./' >| /etc/apt/sources.list.d/custom.list apt-get update EOF chmod a+x $bindir/D00add_custom_repo echo "I: Going throught the packages and testing the builds" cd $srcdir summary_file=${dscfilebase}_$arch.$family-$dist.test-rdeps echo -e "\nTesting builds against $dscfile" >> $summary_file for dsc in *dipy*.dsc; do echo " I: Building $dsc with native versions" src=${dsc%%_*} dscbase=${dsc%%.dsc} nd_build $family $dist $arch $dsc --buildresult=$oldbuildsdir \ && old=ok || old=FAILED mv ${dscbase}_$arch.build $oldbuildsdir echo " I: Building $dsc with new versions" nd_build $family $dist $arch $dsc --buildresult=$newbuildsdir \ --hookdir=$bindir --bindmount=$testdir \ && new=ok || new="FAILED $newbuildsdir/${dscbase}_$arch.build" mv ${dscbase}_$arch.build $newbuildsdir printf '%-20s\t%5s\t%5s\n' $dsc "$old" "$new" >> $summary_file done