#!/usr/bin/python # # Create a figure with the NeuroDebian repo subscription stats from the apache logs # Requires out put of # zgrep "GET /lists/[a-z\.]\+ HTTP" neuro.debian.net-*access*gz | sed -e 's,.*gz:\([0-9\.]\+\).*\[\(.*\):.*:.*:.*/lists/\(.*\) HTTP.*,\2;\3;\1,' -e 's,/, ,g' # either from a file or on stdin. Needs output filename as the only argument import fileinput import sys from datetime import datetime import numpy as np import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import pylab as pl from matplotlib.dates import date2num from matplotlib.dates import YearLocator, MonthLocator, DateFormatter from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser dt = [('ip', '|S16'), ('loc', '|S3'), ('suite', '|S20'), ('date', float)] def make_figure(data): fig = pl.figure(figsize=(14,3)) ax = fig.add_subplot(121) plot_datehist(ax, data, 10, [code for code in cfg.options('release codenames') if cfg.get('release codenames', code).count('Debian')], title="Debian", ymax=10) ax = fig.add_subplot(122) plot_datehist(ax, data, 10, [code for code in cfg.options('release codenames') if cfg.get('release codenames', code).count('Ubuntu')], title="Ubuntu", ymax=10) fig.autofmt_xdate() return fig def plot_datehist(ax, data, bins, suites, title=None, ymax=None): colors=['#ff0088', '#20435C', '#45902C', '#E08720'] linestyle=['-', '--'] global_x_max = None global_x_min = None global_y_max = None for i, suite in enumerate(suites): dates = data['date'][data['suite'] == suite] # history in days history_length = dates.max() - dates.min() # make approx monthly bins, smaller bins yield spiky curves # needs new=True to work with oldish numpy (hist, bin_edges) = np.histogram(dates, np.ceil(history_length/30.), new=True) width = bin_edges[1] - bin_edges[0] # think lines ax.plot(bin_edges[:-1]+(width/2), hist / width, label=suite, color=colors[i%4], linestyle=linestyle[i//4], lw=2) # transparent curve shading ax.fill_between(bin_edges[:-1]+(width/2), 0, hist / width, alpha=0.2, label=suite, color=colors[i%4]) # figure out axis limits to avoid whitespace in plots x_max = bin_edges[-2] + width/2 x_min = bin_edges[0] + width/2 if global_x_max is None or x_max > global_x_max: global_x_max = x_max if global_x_min is None or x_min < global_x_min: global_x_min = x_min ax.set_xlim(global_x_min, global_x_max) ax.set_ylabel('New subscriptions [1/day]') if title: ax.set_title(title) if ymax: ax.set_ylim(0, ymax) # set x-ticks in date # see: http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/examples/api/date_demo.html ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(YearLocator()) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(DateFormatter('\n\n%Y')) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(MonthLocator()) ax.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(DateFormatter('%b')) # format the coords message box ax.format_xdata = DateFormatter('%Y-%m-%d') ax.grid(True) # pukes with old matplotlib #font = FontProperties() #font.set_size = 8 pl.legend(loc='upper left', #prop=font, labelspacing=.2, borderaxespad=.2, handletextpad=.2, borderpad=.2) if __name__ == '__main__': if not len(sys.argv) > 1: print 'Need output filename.' sys.exit(1) cfg_path="/home/neurodebian/neurodebian.git/neurodebian.cfg" cfg = SafeConfigParser() cfg.read(cfg_path) data = [] for line in fileinput.FileInput(sys.argv[2:], openhook=fileinput.hook_compressed): date, list_, ip = line.split(';') try: suite, loc = list_.split('.') except ValueError: suite = list_ loc = '' date = datetime.strptime(date, "%d %b %Y") data.append((ip.strip(), loc, suite, date2num(date))) data = np.array(data, dtype=dt) make_figure(data).savefig(sys.argv[1], bbox_inches='tight', dpi=60)