You sent a message to the <: $config.bug :> tracking system which gave (in the Subject line or encoded into the recipient at <: $config.email_domain :>), the number of a nonexistent <: $config.bug :> report (#<: $tryref :>). :if ($config.remove_age) { This may be because that <: $config.bug :> report has been resolved for more than <: $config.remove_age :> days, and the record of it has been archived and made read-only, or because you mistyped the <: $config.bug :> report number. : } Your message was dated <: $date :> and was sent to < :$baddress :>@<:$config.email_domain:>. It had Message-ID <: $messageid :> and Subject <: $subject :> It has been filed (under junk) but otherwise ignored. Please consult your records to find the correct <: $config.bug :> report number, or contact <: $config.maintainer_email :> for assistance. : include('mail/serious_mail_misconfiguration.tx')