Your message didn't have a Package: line at the very first line of the mail body (part of the pseudo-header), or didn't have a Package: line at all. Unfortunatly, this means that your message has been ignored completely. Without this information we are unable to categorise or otherwise deal with your problem report. Please _resubmit_ your report to <: $baddress :>@<: $config.email_domain:> and tell us which package the report is for. For help, check out: <: $config.web_domain :>/Reporting<: $config.html_suffix :> Your message was dated <: $date :> and had message-id <: $messageid :> and subject <: $subject :>. The complete text of it is attached to this message. If you need any assistance or explanation please contact <: $config.maintainer_email :> and include the the attached message. If you didn't send the attached message (spam was sent forging your from address), we apologize; please disregard this message.