From: GTAG_MAINTAINER_EMAIL (GTAG_PROJECT GTAG_BUG Tracking System) To: BTAG_BUG_ORIGINATOR Subject: Bug #BTAG_BUG_NUMBER closed by developer Message-ID: In-Reply-To: LTAG_HEADER_MSG_ID References: LTAG_HEADER_MSG_ID LTAG_MESSAGE_ID X-GTAG_PROJECT-PR-Message: closed BTAG_BUG_NUMBER This is an automatic notification regarding your GTAG_BUG report. It has been marked as closed by one of the developers, namely LTAG_REPLY_TO. You should be hearing from them with a substantive response shortly, if you have not already done so. If not, please contact them directly or email the Developer's list at GTAG_MAINTAINER_NAME (administrator, GTAG_PROJECT GTAG_BUG database)