#!/usr/bin/perl -wT # This script is part of debbugs, and is released # under the terms of the GPL version 2, or any later # version at your option. # See the file README and COPYING for more information. # # [Other people have contributed to this file; their copyrights should # go here too.] # Copyright 2004-2006 by Anthony Towns # Copyright 2007 by Don Armstrong . use warnings; use strict; # Sanitize environent for taint BEGIN{ delete @ENV{qw(IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV)}; } binmode(STDOUT,':encoding(UTF-8)'); use POSIX qw(strftime nice); use List::Util qw(uniq); use Debbugs::Config qw(:globals :text :config); use Debbugs::User; use Debbugs::Common qw(getparsedaddrs make_list getmaintainers getpseudodesc); use Debbugs::Bugs qw(get_bugs bug_filter newest_bug); use Debbugs::Packages qw(getsrcpkgs getpkgsrc get_versions); use Debbugs::Status qw(splitpackages); use Debbugs::CGI qw(:all); use Debbugs::CGI::Pkgreport qw(:all); use Debbugs::Text qw(:templates); use CGI::Simple; my $q = new CGI::Simple; if ($q->request_method() eq 'HEAD') { print $q->header(-type => "text/html", -charset => 'utf-8', ); exit 0; } my $default_params = {ordering => 'normal', archive => 0, repeatmerged => 0, include => [], exclude => [], }; our %param = cgi_parameters(query => $q, single => [qw(ordering archive repeatmerged), qw(bug-rev pend-rev sev-rev), qw(maxdays mindays version), qw(data which dist newest), qw(noaffects), ], default => $default_params, ); my ($form_options,$param) = ({},undef); ($form_options,$param)= form_options_and_normal_param(\%param) if $param{form_options}; %param = %{$param} if defined $param; if (exists $param{form_options} and defined $param{form_options}) { delete $param{form_options}; delete $param{submit} if exists $param{submit}; for my $default (keys %{$default_params}) { if (exists $param{$default} and not ref($default_params->{$default}) and $default_params->{$default} eq $param{$default} ) { delete $param{$default}; } } for my $incexc (qw(include exclude)) { next unless exists $param{$incexc}; # normalize tag to tags $param{$incexc} = [map {s/^tag:/tags:/; $_} grep /\S\:\S/, make_list($param{$incexc})]; } for my $key (keys %package_search_keys) { next unless exists $param{key}; $param{$key} = [map {split /\s*,\s*/} make_list($param{$key})]; } # kill off keys for which empty values are meaningless for my $key (qw(package src submitter affects severity status dist)) { next unless exists $param{$key}; $param{$key} = [grep {defined $_ and length $_} make_list($param{$key})]; } print $q->redirect(munge_url('pkgreport.cgi?',%param)); exit 0; } # normalize innclude/exclude keys; currently this is in two locations, # which is suboptimal. Closes: #567407 for my $incexc (qw(include exclude)) { next unless exists $param{$incexc}; # normalize tag to tags $param{$incexc} = [map {s/^tag:/tags:/; $_} make_list($param{$incexc})]; } # map from yes|no to 1|0 for my $key (qw(repeatmerged bug-rev pend-rev sev-rev)) { if (exists $param{$key}){ if ($param{$key} =~ /^no$/i) { $param{$key} = 0; } elsif ($param{$key}) { $param{$key} = 1; } } } if (lc($param{archive}) eq 'no') { $param{archive} = 0; } elsif (lc($param{archive}) eq 'yes') { $param{archive} = 1; } # fixup dist if (exists $param{dist} and $param{dist} eq '') { delete $param{dist}; } my $include = $param{'&include'} || $param{'include'} || ""; my $exclude = $param{'&exclude'} || $param{'exclude'} || ""; my $users = $param{'users'} || ""; my $ordering = $param{'ordering'}; my $raw_sort = ($param{'raw'} || "no") eq "yes"; my $old_view = ($param{'oldview'} || "no") eq "yes"; my $age_sort = ($param{'age'} || "no") eq "yes"; unless (defined $ordering) { $ordering = "normal"; $ordering = "oldview" if $old_view; $ordering = "raw" if $raw_sort; $ordering = 'age' if $age_sort; } $param{ordering} = $ordering; our ($bug_order) = $ordering =~ /(age(?:rev)?)/; $bug_order = '' if not defined $bug_order; my $bug_rev = ($param{'bug-rev'} || "no") eq "yes"; my $pend_rev = ($param{'pend-rev'} || "no") eq "yes"; my $sev_rev = ($param{'sev-rev'} || "no") eq "yes"; my @inc_exc_mapping = ({name => 'pending', incexc => 'include', key => 'pend-inc', }, {name => 'pending', incexc => 'exclude', key => 'pend-exc', }, {name => 'severity', incexc => 'include', key => 'sev-inc', }, {name => 'severity', incexc => 'exclude', key => 'sev-exc', }, {name => 'subject', incexc => 'include', key => 'includesubj', }, {name => 'subject', incexc => 'exclude', key => 'excludesubj', }, ); for my $incexcmap (@inc_exc_mapping) { push @{$param{$incexcmap->{incexc}}}, map {"$incexcmap->{name}:$_"} map{split /\s*,\s*/} make_list($param{$incexcmap->{key}}) if exists $param{$incexcmap->{key}}; delete $param{$incexcmap->{key}}; } my $maxdays = ($param{'maxdays'} || -1); my $mindays = ($param{'mindays'} || 0); my $version = $param{'version'} || undef; our %hidden = map { $_, 1 } qw(status severity classification); our %cats = ( "status" => [ { "nam" => "Status", "pri" => [map { "pending=$_" } qw(pending forwarded pending-fixed fixed done absent)], "ttl" => ["Outstanding","Forwarded","Pending Upload", "Fixed in NMU","Resolved","From other Branch"], "def" => "Unknown Pending Status", "ord" => [0,1,2,3,4,5,6], } ], "severity" => [ { "nam" => "Severity", "pri" => [map { "severity=$_" } @gSeverityList], "ttl" => [map { $gSeverityDisplay{$_} } @gSeverityList], "def" => "Unknown Severity", "ord" => [0..@gSeverityList], } ], "classification" => [ { "nam" => "Classification", "pri" => [qw(pending=pending+tag=wontfix pending=pending+tag=moreinfo pending=pending+tag=patch pending=pending+tag=confirmed pending=pending)], "ttl" => ["Will Not Fix","More information needed", "Patch Available","Confirmed"], "def" => "Unclassified", "ord" => [2,3,4,1,0,5], } ], "oldview" => [ qw(status severity) ], "normal" => [ qw(status severity classification) ], ); if (exists $param{which} and exists $param{data}) { $param{$param{which}} = [exists $param{$param{which}}?(make_list($param{$param{which}})):(), make_list($param{data}), ]; delete $param{which}; delete $param{data}; } if (defined $param{maintenc}) { $param{maint} = maint_decode($param{maintenc}); delete $param{maintenc} } if (exists $param{pkg}) { $param{package} = $param{pkg}; delete $param{pkg}; } if (not grep {exists $param{$_}} keys %package_search_keys and exists $param{users}) { $param{usertag} = [make_list($param{users})]; } my %bugusertags; my %ut; my %seen_users; for my $user (map {split /[\s*,\s*]+/} make_list($param{users}||[])) { next unless length($user); add_user($user,\%ut,\%bugusertags,\%seen_users,\%cats,\%hidden); } if (defined $param{usertag}) { for my $usertag (make_list($param{usertag})) { my %select_ut = (); my ($u, $t) = split /:/, $usertag, 2; Debbugs::User::read_usertags(\%select_ut, $u); unless (defined $t && $t ne "") { $t = join(",", keys(%select_ut)); } add_user($u,\%ut,\%bugusertags,\%seen_users,\%cats,\%hidden); push @{$param{tag}}, split /,/, $t; } } quitcgi("You have to choose something to select by", '400 Bad Request') unless grep {exists $param{$_}} keys %package_search_keys; my $Archived = $param{archive} ? " Archived" : ""; my $this = munge_url('pkgreport.cgi?', %param, ); my %indexentry; my %strings = (); my @bugs; # addusers for source and binary packages being searched for my $pkgsrc = getpkgsrc(); my $srcpkg = getsrcpkgs(); for my $package (# For binary packages, add the binary package # and corresponding source package make_list($param{package}||[]), (map {defined $pkgsrc->{$_}?($pkgsrc->{$_}):()} make_list($param{package}||[]), ), # For source packages, add the source package # and corresponding binary packages make_list($param{src}||[]), (map {defined $srcpkg->{$_}?($srcpkg->{$_}):()} make_list($param{src}||[]), ), ) { next unless defined $package; add_user($package.'@'.$config{usertag_package_domain}, \%ut,\%bugusertags,\%seen_users,\%cats,\%hidden) if defined $config{usertag_package_domain}; } # walk through the keys and make the right get_bugs query. my $form_option_variables = {}; $form_option_variables->{search_key_order} = [@package_search_key_order]; # Set the title sanely and clean up parameters my @title; my @temp = @package_search_key_order; while (my ($key,$value) = splice @temp, 0, 2) { next unless exists $param{$key}; my @entries = (); for my $entry (make_list($param{$key})) { # we'll handle newest below next if $key eq 'newest'; my $extra = ''; if (exists $param{dist} and ($key eq 'package' or $key eq 'src')) { my %versions = get_versions(package => $entry, (exists $param{dist}?(dist => $param{dist}):()), (exists $param{arch}?(arch => $param{arch}):(arch => $config{default_architectures})), ($key eq 'src'?(arch => q(source)):()), no_source_arch => 1, return_archs => 1, ); my $verdesc; if (keys %versions > 1) { $verdesc = 'versions '. join(', ', map { $_ .' ['.join(', ', sort @{$versions{$_}} ).']'; } keys %versions); } else { $verdesc = 'version '.join(', ', keys %versions ); } $extra= " ($verdesc)" if keys %versions; } if ($key eq 'maint' and $entry eq '') { push @entries, "no one (packages without maintainers)" } else { push @entries, $entry.$extra; } } push @title,$value.' '.join(' or ', @entries) if @entries; } if (defined $param{newest}) { my $newest_bug = newest_bug(); @bugs = ($newest_bug - $param{newest} + 1) .. $newest_bug; push @title, 'in '.@bugs.' newest reports'; $param{bugs} = [exists $param{bugs}?make_list($param{bugs}):(), @bugs, ]; } my $title = $gBugs.' '.join(' and ', map {/ or /?"($_)":$_} @title); @title = (); #yeah for magick! @bugs = get_bugs((map {exists $param{$_}?($_,$param{$_}):()} grep {$_ ne 'newest'} keys %package_search_keys, 'archive'), usertags => \%ut, ); # shove in bugs which affect this package if there is a package or a # source given (by default), but no affects options given if (not exists $param{affects} and not exists $param{noaffects} and (exists $param{src} or exists $param{package})) { push @bugs, get_bugs((map {my $key = $_; exists $param{$key}?($key =~ /^(?:package|src)$/?'affects':$key, ($key eq 'src'?[map {"src:$_"}make_list($param{$key})]:$param{$_})):()} grep {$_ ne 'newest'} keys %package_search_keys, 'archive'), usertags => \%ut, ); } # filter out included or excluded bugs if (defined $param{version}) { $title .= " at version $param{version}"; } elsif (defined $param{dist}) { $title .= " in $param{dist}"; } $title = html_escape($title); my @names; my @prior; my @order; determine_ordering(cats => \%cats, param => \%param, ordering => \$ordering, names => \@names, prior => \@prior, title => \@title, order => \@order, ); # strip out duplicate bugs my %bugs; @bugs{@bugs} = @bugs; @bugs = keys %bugs; my $result = pkg_htmlizebugs(bugs => \@bugs, names => \@names, title => \@title, order => \@order, prior => \@prior, ordering => $ordering, bugusertags => \%bugusertags, bug_rev => $bug_rev, bug_order => $bug_order, repeatmerged => $param{repeatmerged}, include => $include, exclude => $exclude, this => $this, options => \%param, (exists $param{dist})?(dist => $param{dist}):(), ); print "Cache-Control: public, max-age=300\n"; print "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n"; print "\n"; print "\n" . "$title -- $gProject$Archived $gBug report logs\n" . qq() . "\n" . '' . "\n"; print qq(
\n); print "

" . "$gProject$Archived $gBug report logs: $title" . "

\n"; my $showresult = 1; my $pkg = $param{package} if defined $param{package}; my $src = $param{src} if defined $param{src}; my $pseudodesc = getpseudodesc(); if (defined $pseudodesc and defined $pkg and exists $pseudodesc->{$pkg}) { delete $param{dist}; } # output information about the packages for my $package (make_list($param{package}||[])) { print generate_package_info(binary => 1, package => $package, options => \%param, bugs => \@bugs, ); } for my $package (make_list($param{src}||[])) { print generate_package_info(binary => 0, package => $package, options => \%param, bugs => \@bugs, ); } if (exists $param{maint} or exists $param{maintenc}) { print "

Note that maintainers may use different Maintainer fields for\n"; print "different packages, so there may be other reports filed under\n"; print "different addresses.\n"; } if (exists $param{submitter}) { print "

Note that people may use different email accounts for\n"; print "different bugs, so there may be other reports filed under\n"; print "different addresses.\n"; } print $result; print fill_in_template(template=>'cgi/pkgreport_javascript'); print qq(


\n); $param{orderings} = [uniq((grep {!$hidden{$_}} keys %cats), $param{ordering})]; print option_form(template => 'cgi/pkgreport_options', param => \%param, form_options => $form_options, variables => $form_option_variables, ); print "
\n"; print fill_in_template(template=>'html/html_tail', hole_var => {'&strftime' => \&POSIX::strftime, }, ); print "\n";