#! /usr/bin/perl # debbugs-loadsql is part of debbugs, and is released # under the terms of the GPL version 2, or any later version, at your # option. See the file README and COPYING for more information. # Copyright 2012 by Don Armstrong . use warnings; use strict; use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case); use Pod::Usage; =head1 NAME debbugs-loadsql -- load debbugs sql database =head1 SYNOPSIS debbugs-loadsql [options] [subcommand] Subcommands: bugs help versions configuration suites logs packages debinfo Options: --quick, -q only load changed things --progress Show progress bar --service, -s service name --sysconfdir, -c postgresql service config dir --spool-dir debbugs spool directory --debug, -d debugging level (Default 0) --help, -h display this help --man, -m display manual =head1 SUBCOMMANDS =head2 help Display this manual =head2 bugs Add bugs (subject, number, etc) to the database --preload create all bugs first, then add information =head2 versions Add version descendant information (which version is based on which version) to the database =head2 maintainers Add source maintainers to the BTS =head2 configuration Add debbugs configuration information (tags, severity, etc) =head2 suites Add suite information from ftp distribution --ftpdists location of FTP mirror =head2 logs Add bug logs =head2 packages Add package information from the ftp archive --ftpdists location of FTP mirror --suites Suite to operate on =head2 debinfo Add package information from a debinfo file --null -0 names of debinfo files are null separated =head1 OPTIONS =over =item B<--quick, -q> Only load changed bugs =item B<--progress> Show progress bar (requires Term::ProgressBar) =item B<--service,-s> Postgreql service to use; defaults to debbugs =item B<--sysconfdir,-c> System configuration directory to use; if not set, defaults to the postgresql default. [Operates by setting PGSYSCONFDIR] =item B<--spool-dir> Debbugs spool directory; defaults to the value configured in the debbugs configuration file. =item B<--verbose> Output more information about what is happening. Probably not useful if you also set --progress. =item B<--debug, -d> Debug verbosity. =item B<--help, -h> Display brief useage information. =item B<--man, -m> Display this manual. =back =cut use vars qw($DEBUG); use Debbugs::Common (qw(checkpid lockpid get_hashname getparsedaddrs getbugcomponent make_list getsourcemaintainers), qw(hash_slice open_compressed_file),); use Debbugs::Config qw(:config); use Debbugs::Status qw(read_bug split_status_fields); use Debbugs::Log; use Debbugs::DB; use Debbugs::DB::Load qw(:load_bug :load_package :load_suite); use DateTime; use File::stat; use File::Basename; use File::Spec; use File::Find; use IO::Dir; use IO::File; use IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress; use Encode qw(decode_utf8); use List::MoreUtils qw(natatime); my %options = (debug => 0, help => 0, man => 0, verbose => 0, quiet => 0, quick => 0, service => $config{debbugs_db}, progress => 0, ); Getopt::Long::Configure('pass_through'); GetOptions(\%options, 'quick|q', 'service|s=s', 'dsn=s', 'sysconfdir|c=s', 'progress!', 'spool_dir|spool-dir=s', 'verbose|v+', 'quiet+', 'debug|d+','help|h|?','man|m'); Getopt::Long::Configure('default'); pod2usage() if $options{help}; pod2usage({verbose=>2}) if $options{man}; $DEBUG = $options{debug}; my %subcommands = ('bugs' => {function => \&add_bugs, arguments => {'preload' => 0}, }, 'versions' => {function => \&add_versions, }, 'debinfo' => {function => \&add_debinfo, arguments => {'0|null' => 0, 'debinfo_dir|debinfo-dir=s' => 0, }, }, 'maintainers' => {function => \&add_maintainers, }, 'configuration' => {function => \&add_configuration, }, 'suites' => {function => \&add_suite, arguments => {'ftpdists=s' => 1, }, }, 'logs' => {function => \&add_logs, }, 'bugs_and_logs' => {function => \&add_bugs_and_logs, }, 'packages' => {function => \&add_packages, arguments => {'ftpdists=s' => 1, 'suites=s@' => 0, }, }, 'help' => {function => sub {pod2usage({verbose => 2});}} ); my @USAGE_ERRORS; $options{verbose} = $options{verbose} - $options{quiet}; if ($options{progress}) { eval "use Term::ProgressBar"; push @USAGE_ERRORS, "You asked for a progress bar, but Term::ProgressBar isn't installed" if $@; } pod2usage(join("\n",@USAGE_ERRORS)) if @USAGE_ERRORS; if (exists $options{sysconfdir}) { if (not defined $options{sysconfdir} or not length $options{sysconfdir}) { delete $ENV{PGSYSCONFDIR}; } else { $ENV{PGSYSCONFDIR} = $options{sysconfdir}; } } if (exists $options{spool_dir} and defined $options{spool_dir}) { $config{spool_dir} = $options{spool_dir}; } my $prog_bar; if ($options{progress}) { $prog_bar = eval "Term::ProgressBar->new({count => 1,ETA=>q(linear)})"; warn "Unable to initialize progress bar: $@" if not $prog_bar; } my ($subcommand) = shift @ARGV; if (not defined $subcommand) { $subcommand = 'help'; print STDERR "You must provide a subcommand; displaying usage.\n"; pod2usage(); } elsif (not exists $subcommands{$subcommand}) { print STDERR "$subcommand is not a valid subcommand; displaying usage.\n"; pod2usage(); } binmode(STDOUT,':encoding(UTF-8)'); binmode(STDERR,':encoding(UTF-8)'); my $opts = handle_subcommand_arguments(\@ARGV,$subcommands{$subcommand}{arguments}); $subcommands{$subcommand}{function}->(\%options,$opts,$prog_bar,\%config,\@ARGV); sub add_bugs { my ($options,$opts,$p,$config,$argv) = @_; chdir($config->{spool_dir}) or die "chdir $config->{spool_dir} failed: $!"; my $verbose = $options->{debug}; my $initialdir = "db-h"; if (defined $argv->[0] and $argv->[0] eq "archive") { $initialdir = "archive"; } my $s = db_connect($options); my %tags; my %severities; my %queue; if ($opts->{preload}) { my @bugs; walk_bugs([(@{$argv}?@{$argv} : $initialdir)], undef, 'summary', undef, sub { push @bugs,@_; }, 10000 ); $s->resultset('Bug')->quick_insert_bugs(@bugs); } walk_bugs([(@{$argv}?@{$argv} : $initialdir)], $p, 'summary', $verbose, sub { my @bugs = @_; my @bugs_to_update; if ($options{quick}) { @bugs_to_update = bugs_to_update($s,$initialdir,@bugs); } else { @bugs_to_update = @bugs; } eval { $s->txn_do(sub { for my $bug (@bugs_to_update) { load_bug(db => $s, bug => $bug, tags => \%tags, severities => \%severities, queue => \%queue); } }); }; if ($@) { die "failure while trying to load bug: $@"; } }, 50 ); handle_load_bug_queue(db => $s, queue => \%queue); } sub add_versions { my ($options,$opts,$p,$config,$argv) = @_; my $s = db_connect($options); my @files = @{$argv}; $p->target(scalar @files) if $p; for my $file (@files) { my $fh = IO::File->new($file,'r') or die "Unable to open $file for reading: $!"; my @versions; my %src_pkgs; while (<$fh>) { chomp; next unless length $_; if (/(\w[-+0-9a-z.]+) \(([^\(\) \t]+)\)/) { push @versions, [$1,$2]; } } close($fh); my $ancestor_sv; for my $i (reverse 0..($#versions)) { my $sp; if (not defined $src_pkgs{$versions[$i][0]}) { $src_pkgs{$versions[$i][0]} = $s->resultset('SrcPkg')-> get_src_pkg_id($versions[$i][0]); } $sp = $src_pkgs{$versions[$i][0]}; # There's probably something wrong if the source package # doesn't exist, but we'll skip it for now last if not defined $sp; my $sv = $s->resultset('SrcVer')->find({src_pkg=>$sp, ver => $versions[$i][1], }); last if not defined $sv; if (defined $ancestor_sv and defined $sv and not defined $sv->based_on()) { $sv->update({based_on => $ancestor_sv}) } $ancestor_sv = $sv->id(); } $p->update() if $p; } $p->remove() if $p; } sub add_debinfo { my ($options,$opts,$p,$config,$argv) = @_; my @files = @{$argv}; if (exists $opts->{debinfo_dir} and not @files) { find(sub { if (-f $_ and /\.debinfo$/) { push @files, $File::Find::name; } }, $opts->{debinfo_dir} ); } if (not @files) { { local $/ = "\n"; local $/ = "\0" if $opts->{0}; while () { s/\n$// unless $opts->{0}; s/\0$// if $opts->{0}; push @files, $_; } } } return unless @files; my $s = db_connect($options); $p->target(scalar @files) if $p; my $it = natatime 100, @files; while (my @v = $it->()) { my %cache; my @debinfos; for my $file (@v) { my $fh = IO::File->new($file,'r') or die "Unable to open $file for reading: $!"; my $f_stat = stat($file); my $ct_date = DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => $f_stat->ctime); while (<$fh>) { chomp; next unless length $_; my ($binname, $binver, $binarch, $srcname, $srcver) = split; # if $srcver is not defined, this is probably a broken # .debinfo file [they were causing #686106, see commit # 49c85ab8 in dak.] Basically, $binarch didn't get put into # the file, so we'll fudge it from the filename. if (not defined $srcver) { ($srcname,$srcver) = ($binarch,$srcname); ($binarch) = $file =~ /_([^\.]+)\.debinfo/; } if (not defined $srcver) { print STDERR "malformed debinfo (no srcver): $file\n"; next; } push @debinfos, [$binname,$binver,$binarch,$srcname,$srcver,$ct_date]; } } $s->txn_do( sub { for my $di (@debinfos) { Debbugs::DB::Load::load_debinfo($s,@{$di}[0..5],\%cache); } }); $p->update($p->last_update()+@v) if $p; } $p->remove() if $p; } sub add_maintainers { my ($options,$opts,$p,$config,$argv) = @_; my $s = db_connect($options); my $maintainers = getsourcemaintainers() // {}; $p->target(2) if $p; ## get all of the maintainers, and add the missing ones my $maints = $s->resultset('Maintainer')-> get_maintainers(values %{$maintainers}); $p->update() if $p; my @svs = $s->resultset('SrcVer')-> search({maintainer => undef }, {join => 'src_pkg', group_by => 'me.src_pkg, src_pkg.pkg', result_class => 'DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator', columns => [qw(me.src_pkg src_pkg.pkg)], } )->all(); $p->target(2+@svs) if $p; $p->update() if $p; for my $sv (@svs) { if (exists $maintainers->{$sv->{src_pkg}{pkg}}) { my $pkg = $sv->{src_pkg}{pkg}; my $maint = $maints-> {$maintainers->{$pkg}}; $s->txn_do(sub {$s->resultset('SrcVer')-> search({maintainer => undef, 'src_pkg.pkg' => $pkg }, {join => 'src_pkg'} )->update({maintainer => $maint}) }); } $p->update() if $p; } $p->remove() if $p; } sub add_configuration { my ($options,$opts,$p,$config,$argv) = @_; my $s = db_connect($options); # tags # add all tags my %tags; for my $tag (@{$config{tags}}) { $tags{$tag} = 1; $s->resultset('Tag')->find_or_create({tag => $tag}); } # mark obsolete tags for my $tag ($s->resultset('Tag')->search_rs()->all()) { next if exists $tags{$tag->tag}; $tag->obsolete(1); $tag->update; } # severities my %sev_names; my $order = -1; for my $sev_name (($config{default_severity},@{$config{severity_list}})) { # add all severitites my $sev = $s->resultset('Severity')->find_or_create({severity => $sev_name}); # mark strong severities if (grep {$_ eq $sev_name} @{$config{strong_severities}}) { $sev->strong(1); } $sev->ordering($order); $sev->update(); $order++; $sev_names{$sev_name} = 1; } # mark obsolete severities for my $sev ($s->resultset('Severity')->search_rs()->all()) { next if exists $sev_names{$sev->severity()}; $sev->obsolete(1); $sev->update(); } } sub add_suite { my ($options,$opts,$p,$config,$argv) = @_; # suites my $s = db_connect($options); my $dist_dir = IO::Dir->new($opts->{ftpdists}); my @dist_names = grep { $_ !~ /^\./ and -d $opts->{ftpdists}.'/'.$_ and not -l $opts->{ftpdists}.'/'.$_ } $dist_dir->read; while (my $dist = shift @dist_names) { my $dist_dir = $opts->{ftpdists}.'/'.$dist; my ($dist_info,$package_files) = read_release_file($dist_dir.'/Release'); load_suite($s,$dist_info); } } sub add_logs { my ($options,$opts,$p,$config,$argv) = @_; chdir($config->{spool_dir}) or die "chdir $config->{spool_dir} failed: $!"; my $verbose = $options->{debug}; my $initialdir = "db-h"; if (defined $argv->[0] and $argv->[0] eq "archive") { $initialdir = "archive"; } my $s = db_connect($options); walk_bugs([(@{$argv}?@{$argv} : $initialdir)], $p, 'log', $verbose, sub { my $bug = shift; my $stat = stat(getbugcomponent($bug,'log',$initialdir)); if (not defined $stat) { print STDERR "Unable to stat $bug $!\n"; next; } if ($options{quick}) { my $rs = $s->resultset('Bug')-> search({id=>$bug})->single(); return if defined $rs and $stat->mtime <= $rs->last_modified()->epoch(); } eval { load_bug_log(db => $s, bug => $bug); }; if ($@) { die "failure while trying to load bug log $bug\n$@"; } }); } sub add_bugs_and_logs { my ($options,$opts,$p,$config,$argv) = @_; chdir($config->{spool_dir}) or die "chdir $config->{spool_dir} failed: $!"; my $verbose = $options->{debug}; my $initialdir = "db-h"; if (defined $argv->[0] and $argv->[0] eq "archive") { $initialdir = "archive"; } my $s = db_connect($options); my %tags; my %severities; my %queue; walk_bugs([(@{$argv}?@{$argv} : $initialdir)], $p, 'summary', $verbose, sub { my @bugs = @_; my @bugs_to_update; if ($options{quick}) { @bugs_to_update = bugs_to_update($s,$initialdir,@bugs); } else { @bugs_to_update = @bugs; } eval { $s->txn_do(sub { for my $bug (@bugs_to_update) { load_bug(db => $s, bug => $bug, tags => \%tags, severities => \%severities, queue => \%queue); } }); }; if ($@) { die "failure while trying to load bug: $@"; } for my $bug (@bugs) { my $stat = stat(getbugcomponent($bug,'log',$initialdir)); if (not defined $stat) { print STDERR "Unable to stat $bug $!\n"; next; } if ($options{quick}) { my $rs = $s->resultset('Bug')-> search({id=>$bug})->single(); return if defined $rs and $stat->mtime <= $rs->last_modified()->epoch(); } eval { load_bug_log(db => $s, bug => $bug); }; if ($@) { die "failure while trying to load bug log $bug\n$@"; } } }, 50 ); handle_load_bug_queue(db=>$s, queue => \%queue, ); } sub add_packages { my ($options,$opts,$p,$config,$argv) = @_; my $dist_dir = IO::Dir->new($opts->{ftpdists}); my @dist_names = grep { $_ !~ /^\./ and -d $opts->{ftpdists}.'/'.$_ and not -l $opts->{ftpdists}.'/'.$_ } $dist_dir->read; my %s_p; while (my $dist = shift @dist_names) { my $dist_dir = $opts->{ftpdists}.'/'.$dist; my ($dist_info,$package_files) = read_release_file($dist_dir.'/Release'); $s_p{$dist_info->{Codename}} = $package_files; } my $tot = 0; for my $suite (keys %s_p) { for my $component (keys %{$s_p{$suite}}) { $tot += scalar keys %{$s_p{$suite}{$component}}; } } $p->target($tot) if $p; my $i = 0; my $avg_pkgs = 0; my $tot_suites = scalar keys %s_p; my $done_suites=0; my $completed_pkgs=0; # parse packages files for my $suite (keys %s_p) { my @pkgs; for my $component (keys %{$s_p{$suite}}) { my @archs = keys %{$s_p{$suite}{$component}}; if (grep {$_ eq 'source'} @archs) { @archs = ('source',grep {$_ ne 'source'} @archs); } for my $arch (@archs) { my $pfh = open_compressed_file($s_p{$suite}{$component}{$arch}) or die "Unable to open $s_p{$suite}{$component}{$arch} for reading: $!"; local $_; local $/ = ''; # paragraph mode while (<$pfh>) { my %pkg; for my $field (qw(Package Maintainer Version Source)) { /^\Q$field\E: (.*)/m; $pkg{$field} = $1; } next unless defined $pkg{Package} and defined $pkg{Version}; push @pkgs,[$arch,$component,\%pkg]; } } } my $s = db_connect($options); if ($avg_pkgs==0) { $avg_pkgs = @pkgs; } $p->target($avg_pkgs*($tot_suites-$done_suites-1)+ $completed_pkgs+@pkgs) if $p; load_packages($s, $suite, \@pkgs, $p); $avg_pkgs=($avg_pkgs*$done_suites + @pkgs)/($done_suites+1); $completed_pkgs += @pkgs; $done_suites++; } $p->remove() if $p; } sub handle_subcommand_arguments { my ($argv,$args) = @_; my $subopt = {}; Getopt::Long::GetOptionsFromArray($argv, $subopt, keys %{$args}, ); my @usage_errors; for my $arg (keys %{$args}) { next unless $args->{$arg}; my $r_arg = $arg; # real argument name $r_arg =~ s/[=\|].+//g; if (not defined $subopt->{$r_arg}) { push @usage_errors, "You must give a $r_arg option"; } } pod2usage(join("\n",@usage_errors)) if @usage_errors; return $subopt; } sub get_lock{ my ($subcommand,$config,$options) = @_; if (not lockpid($config->{spool_dir}.'/lock/debbugs-loadsql-$subcommand')) { if ($options->{quick}) { # If this is a quick run, just exit print STDERR "Another debbugs-loadsql is running; stopping\n" if $options->{verbose}; exit 0; } print STDERR "Another debbugs-loadsql is running; stopping\n"; exit 1; } } sub db_connect { my ($options) = @_; # connect to the database; figure out how to handle errors # properly here. my $s = Debbugs::DB->connect($options->{dsn} // $options->{service}) or die "Unable to connect to database: "; } sub read_release_file { my ($file) = @_; # parse release my $rfh = open_compressed_file($file) or die "Unable to open $file for reading: $!"; my %dist_info; my $in_sha1; my %p_f; while (<$rfh>) { chomp; if (s/^(\S+):\s*//) { if ($1 eq 'SHA1'or $1 eq 'SHA256') { $in_sha1 = 1; next; } $dist_info{$1} = $_; } elsif ($in_sha1) { s/^\s//; my ($sha,$size,$f) = split /\s+/,$_; next unless $f =~ /(?:Packages|Sources)(?:\.gz|\.xz)$/; next unless $f =~ m{^([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)$}; my ($component,$arch,$package_source) = ($1,$2,$3); $arch =~ s/binary-//; next if exists $p_f{$component}{$arch}; $p_f{$component}{$arch} = File::Spec->catfile(dirname($file),$f); } } return (\%dist_info,\%p_f); } sub walk_bugs { my ($dirs,$p,$what,$verbose,$sub,$n) = @_; my @dirs = @{$dirs}; my $tot_dirs = @dirs; my $done_dirs = 0; my $avg_subfiles = 0; my $completed_files = 0; $n //= 1; while (my $dir = shift @dirs) { printf "Doing dir %s ...\n", $dir if $verbose; opendir(DIR, "$dir/.") or die "opendir $dir: $!"; my @subdirs = readdir(DIR); closedir(DIR); my @list = map { m/^(\d+)\.$what$/?($1):() } @subdirs; $tot_dirs -= @dirs; push @dirs, map { m/^(\d+)$/ && -d "$dir/$1"?("$dir/$1"):() } @subdirs; $tot_dirs += @dirs; if ($avg_subfiles == 0) { $avg_subfiles = @list; } $p->target($avg_subfiles*($tot_dirs-$done_dirs)+$completed_files+@list) if $p; $avg_subfiles = ($avg_subfiles * $done_dirs + @list) / ($done_dirs+1); $done_dirs += 1; my $it = natatime $n,@list; while (my @bugs = $it->()) { $sub->(@bugs); $completed_files += scalar @bugs; $p->update($completed_files) if $p; print "Up to $completed_files bugs...\n" if ($completed_files % 100 == 0 && $verbose); } } $p->remove() if $p; } sub bugs_to_update { my ($s,$initialdir,@bugs) = @_; my @bugs_to_update; for my $bug (@bugs) { my $stat = stat(getbugcomponent($bug,'summary',$initialdir)); if (not defined $stat) { print STDERR "Unable to stat $bug $!\n"; next; } my $rs = $s->resultset('Bug')->search({id=>$bug})->single(); next if defined $rs and $stat->mtime <= $rs->last_modified()->epoch(); push @bugs_to_update, $bug; } @bugs_to_update; } __END__