#!/usr/bin/perl # add_bug_to_estraier adds a log for a bug to the estaier db, and is # released under the terms of the GPL version 2, or any later version, # at your option. See the file README and COPYING for more # information. # Copyright 2006 by Don Armstrong . use warnings; use strict; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; =head1 NAME add_bug_to_estraier =head1 SYNOPSIS add_bug_to_estraier [options] < list_of_bugs_to_add Options: --debug, -d debugging level (Default 0) --help, -h display this help --man, -m display manual =head1 OPTIONS =over =item B<--url, -u> Url to the estraier node =item B<--user,-U> User to log onto the estraier node =item B<--pass,-P> Password to log onto the estraier node =item B<--spool,-s> Spool location; if not set defaults to /etc/debbugs/config =item B<--conf,-C> Configuration file; a set of key = value pairs separated by newlines; the long name of any option is the name that the configuration file takes =item B<--cron> Descend through the spool and add all of the bugs to estraier =item B<--timestamp> Use the timestamp file to only add new bugs; will lock the timestamp file to avoid racing with other invocations =item B<--debug, -d> Debug verbosity. (Default 0) =item B<--help, -h> Display brief useage information. =item B<--man, -m> Display this manual. =back =head1 EXAMPLES test_bts --bug 7 --host donbugs.donarmstrong.com =cut use Debbugs::Mail qw(send_mail_message); use Debbugs::MIME qw(create_mime_message); use Search::Estraier; use Debbugs::Estraier qw(:add); use File::Find; use vars qw($DEBUG $VERBOSE); # XXX parse config file my %options = (debug => 0, help => 0, man => 0, url => undef, user => undef, passwd => undef, spool => undef, conf => undef, cron => 0, timestamp => undef, ); GetOptions(\%options,'url|u=s','user|U=s','passwd|P=s', 'spool|s=s','conf|C=s','cron!','timestamp=s', 'debug|d+','help|h|?','man|m'); my $ERRORS = ''; if (not defined $options{conf}) { $ERRORS .= "--url must be set\n" if not defined $options{url}; $ERRORS .= "--user must be set\n" if not defined $options{user}; $ERRORS .= "--passwd must be set\n" if not defined $options{passwd}; } else { # Read the conf file my $conf_fh = new IO::File $options{conf},'r' or die "Unable to open $options{conf} for reading"; while (<$conf_fh>) { chomp; next if /^\s*\#/; my ($key,$value) = split /\s*[:=]\s*/,$_,2; $options{$key} = $value if not defined $options{$key}; } $ERRORS .= "url must be set\n" if not defined $options{url}; $ERRORS .= "user must be set\n" if not defined $options{user}; $ERRORS .= "passwd must be set\n" if not defined $options{passwd}; } $ERRORS .= "--spool must be set if --cron is used\n" if not defined $options{spool} and $options{cron}; pod2usage($ERRORS) if length $ERRORS; pod2usage() if $options{help}; pod2usage({verbose=>2}) if $options{man}; $DEBUG = $options{debug}; $VERBOSE = 0; my $node = new Search::Estraier::Node (url => $options{url}, user => $options{user}, passwd => $options{passwd}, ); $Debbugs::Config::gSpoolDir = $options{spool} if defined $options{spool}; if ($options{cron}) { my %timestamps; my $start_time = time; my %seen_dirs; # read timestamp file if (defined $options{timestamp}) { my $timestamp_fh = new IO::File $options{timestamp},'r' or die "Unable to open timestamp $options{timestamp}: $!"; while (<$timestamp_fh>) { chomp; my ($key,$value) = split /\s+/,$_,2; $timestamps{$key} = $value; } } find(sub { print STDERR "Examining $_\n" if $DEBUG; return if not /^(\d+)\.log$/; my $bug_num = $1; my $stat = stat $_ or next; return unless -f _; return if exists $timestamps{$File::Find::dir} and $timestamps{$File::Find::dir} > $stat->mtime; $seen_dirs{$File::Find::dir} = $start_time; add_bug_log($node,$1); }, map {(-d "$options{spool}/$_")?"$options{spool}/$_":()} qw(db-h archived db), ); # write timestamp file if (defined $options{timestamp}) { %timestamps = (%timestamps,%seen_dirs); my $timestamp_fh = new IO::File $options{timestamp},'w' or die "Unable to open timestamp $options{timestamp}: $!"; foreach my $key (keys %timestamps) { print {$timestamp_fh} $key,' ', $timestamps{$key}||'',qq(\n); } } } else { while (my $bug_num = ) { chomp $bug_num; add_bug_log($node,$bug_num); } } __END__