1 # This is the bugs.debian.org debbugs configuration file.
2 # $Id: config.debian,v 1.27 2005/07/17 19:07:01 cjwatson Exp $
5 $gEmailDomain = "bugs.debian.org";
6 $gListDomain = "lists.debian.org";
8 $gWebDomain = "www.debian.org/Bugs";
10 $gPackagePages = "packages.debian.org";
11 $gCGIDomain = "bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin";
12 $gMirrors = ""; # comma separated list
13 $gSubscriptionDomain = "packages.qa.debian.org";
15 # Project identification
17 $gProjectTitle = "Debian GNU/Linux";
18 # Person(s) responsible for this installation
19 $gMaintainer = "Debian bug tracking system administrator"; # should be plural but that would require changes to other scripts
20 $gMaintainerEmail = "owner\@bugs.debian.org";
22 # BTS mailing lists, at $gListDomain
23 $gSubmitList = "debian-bugs-dist";
24 $gMaintList = "debian-bugs-dist";
25 $gQuietList = "debian-bugs-dist";
26 $gForwardList = "debian-bugs-forwarded";
27 $gDoneList = "debian-bugs-closed";
28 $gRequestList = "debian-bugs-dist";
29 $gSubmitterList = "debian-bugs-dist";
30 $gControlList = "debian-bugs-dist";
31 $gSummaryList = "debian-bugs-reports";
32 $gMirrorList = "debian-bugs-mirror"; # sends to all mirrors
33 $gStrongList = "debian-bugs-rc";
35 # Various configurable options
36 $gMailer = "exim"; # valid: exim, qmail and sendmail
37 $gBug = "Bug"; # how to spell `bug'
38 $gBugs = "Bugs"; # how to spell `bugs'
39 $gRemoveAge = 28; # days after closed bugs are cleaned out,
41 $gSaveOldBugs = 1; # whether to archive such bugs
42 $gDefaultSeverity = "normal";
43 $gShowSeverities = "critical, grave, serious, important, normal, minor, wishlist, fixed";
44 @gStrongSeverities = ( "critical", "grave", "serious" );
45 @gSeverityList = ( "critical", "grave", "serious", "important", "normal",
46 "minor", "wishlist", "fixed"
48 %gObsoleteSeverities = ( fixed => 'Use the fixed tag instead.' );
49 %gSeverityDisplay = ( "critical", "Critical bugs",
50 "grave", "Grave functionality bugs",
51 "serious", "Serious policy violations",
52 "important", "Important bugs",
53 "normal", "Normal bugs",
54 "minor", "Minor bugs",
55 "fixed", "NMU Fixed bugs",
56 "wishlist", "Wishlist items"
58 @gTags = ( "patch", "wontfix", "moreinfo", "unreproducible", "fixed",
59 "potato", "woody", "sid", "help", "security", "upstream",
60 "pending", "sarge", "sarge-ignore", "experimental", "d-i",
61 "confirmed", "ipv6", "lfs", "fixed-in-experimental",
62 "fixed-upstream", "l10n", "etch", "etch-ignore"
65 # better don't change this
66 $gBounceFroms = "^mailer|^da?emon|^post.*mast|^root|^wpuser|^mmdf|^smt.*|^mrgate|^vmmail|^mail.*system|^uucp|-maiser-|^mal\@|^mail.*agent|^tcpmail|^bitmail|^mailman";
68 # Directories -- do _not_ change their locations.
69 # They are currently hardcoded, variables are here for future expansion.
70 $gConfigDir = "/org/bugs.debian.org/etc"; # directory where this file is
71 $gSpoolDir = "/org/bugs.debian.org/spool"; # working directory
72 $gIndicesDir = "/org/bugs.debian.org/indices"; # directory where the indices are
73 $gIncomingDir = "incoming"; # unprocessed e-mails
74 $gWebDir = "/org/bugs.debian.org/www"; # base location of web pages
75 $gDocDir = "/org/ftp.debian.org/ftp/doc"; # location of text doc files
78 $gMaintainerFile = "$gConfigDir/Maintainers";
79 $gMaintainerFileOverride = "$gConfigDir/Maintainers.override";
80 $gUnknownMaintainerEmail = "unknown-package\@qa.debian.org";
82 $gPseudoDescFile = "$gConfigDir/pseudo-packages.description";
83 $gPackageSource = "$gConfigDir/indices/sources";