]> git.donarmstrong.com Git - samtools.git/blob - bam2bcf_indel.c
Revert one of my earlier changes - Heng was right, CIGAR P not sensible in a padded...
[samtools.git] / bam2bcf_indel.c
1 #include <assert.h>
2 #include <ctype.h>
3 #include <string.h>
4 #include "bam.h"
5 #include "bam2bcf.h"
6 #include "kaln.h"
7 #include "kprobaln.h"
8 #include "khash.h"
11 #include "ksort.h"
14 #define MINUS_CONST 0x10000000
15 #define INDEL_WINDOW_SIZE 50
17 void *bcf_call_add_rg(void *_hash, const char *hdtext, const char *list)
18 {
19         const char *s, *p, *q, *r, *t;
20         khash_t(rg) *hash;
21         if (list == 0 || hdtext == 0) return _hash;
22         if (_hash == 0) _hash = kh_init(rg);
23         hash = (khash_t(rg)*)_hash;
24         if ((s = strstr(hdtext, "@RG\t")) == 0) return hash;
25         do {
26                 t = strstr(s + 4, "@RG\t"); // the next @RG
27                 if ((p = strstr(s, "\tID:")) != 0) p += 4;
28                 if ((q = strstr(s, "\tPL:")) != 0) q += 4;
29                 if (p && q && (t == 0 || (p < t && q < t))) { // ID and PL are both present
30                         int lp, lq;
31                         char *x;
32                         for (r = p; *r && *r != '\t' && *r != '\n'; ++r); lp = r - p;
33                         for (r = q; *r && *r != '\t' && *r != '\n'; ++r); lq = r - q;
34                         x = calloc((lp > lq? lp : lq) + 1, 1);
35                         for (r = q; *r && *r != '\t' && *r != '\n'; ++r) x[r-q] = *r;
36                         if (strstr(list, x)) { // insert ID to the hash table
37                                 khint_t k;
38                                 int ret;
39                                 for (r = p; *r && *r != '\t' && *r != '\n'; ++r) x[r-p] = *r;
40                                 x[r-p] = 0;
41                                 k = kh_get(rg, hash, x);
42                                 if (k == kh_end(hash)) k = kh_put(rg, hash, x, &ret);
43                                 else free(x);
44                         } else free(x);
45                 }
46                 s = t;
47         } while (s);
48         return hash;
49 }
51 void bcf_call_del_rghash(void *_hash)
52 {
53         khint_t k;
54         khash_t(rg) *hash = (khash_t(rg)*)_hash;
55         if (hash == 0) return;
56         for (k = kh_begin(hash); k < kh_end(hash); ++k)
57                 if (kh_exist(hash, k))
58                         free((char*)kh_key(hash, k));
59         kh_destroy(rg, hash);
60 }
62 static int tpos2qpos(const bam1_core_t *c, const uint32_t *cigar, int32_t tpos, int is_left, int32_t *_tpos)
63 {
64         int k, x = c->pos, y = 0, last_y = 0;
65         *_tpos = c->pos;
66         for (k = 0; k < c->n_cigar; ++k) {
67                 int op = cigar[k] & BAM_CIGAR_MASK;
68                 int l = cigar[k] >> BAM_CIGAR_SHIFT;
69                 if (op == BAM_CMATCH || op == BAM_CEQUAL || op == BAM_CDIFF) {
70                         if (c->pos > tpos) return y;
71                         if (x + l > tpos) {
72                                 *_tpos = tpos;
73                                 return y + (tpos - x);
74                         }
75                         x += l; y += l;
76                         last_y = y;
77                 } else if (op == BAM_CINS || op == BAM_CSOFT_CLIP) y += l;
78                 else if (op == BAM_CDEL || op == BAM_CREF_SKIP) {
79                         if (x + l > tpos) {
80                                 *_tpos = is_left? x : x + l;
81                                 return y;
82                         }
83                         x += l;
84                 }
85         }
86         *_tpos = x;
87         return last_y;
88 }
89 // FIXME: check if the inserted sequence is consistent with the homopolymer run
90 // l is the relative gap length and l_run is the length of the homopolymer on the reference
91 static inline int est_seqQ(const bcf_callaux_t *bca, int l, int l_run)
92 {
93         int q, qh;
94         q = bca->openQ + bca->extQ * (abs(l) - 1);
95         qh = l_run >= 3? (int)(bca->tandemQ * (double)abs(l) / l_run + .499) : 1000;
96         return q < qh? q : qh;
97 }
99 static inline int est_indelreg(int pos, const char *ref, int l, char *ins4)
100 {
101         int i, j, max = 0, max_i = pos, score = 0;
102         l = abs(l);
103         for (i = pos + 1, j = 0; ref[i]; ++i, ++j) {
104                 if (ins4) score += (toupper(ref[i]) != "ACGTN"[(int)ins4[j%l]])? -10 : 1;
105                 else score += (toupper(ref[i]) != toupper(ref[pos+1+j%l]))? -10 : 1;
106                 if (score < 0) break;
107                 if (max < score) max = score, max_i = i;
108         }
109         return max_i - pos;
110 }
112 int bcf_call_gap_prep(int n, int *n_plp, bam_pileup1_t **plp, int pos, bcf_callaux_t *bca, const char *ref,
113                                           const void *rghash)
114 {
115         int i, s, j, k, t, n_types, *types, max_rd_len, left, right, max_ins, *score1, *score2, max_ref2;
116         int N, K, l_run, ref_type, n_alt;
117         char *inscns = 0, *ref2, *query, **ref_sample;
118         khash_t(rg) *hash = (khash_t(rg)*)rghash;
119         if (ref == 0 || bca == 0) return -1;
120         // mark filtered reads
121         if (rghash) {
122                 N = 0;
123                 for (s = N = 0; s < n; ++s) {
124                         for (i = 0; i < n_plp[s]; ++i) {
125                                 bam_pileup1_t *p = plp[s] + i;
126                                 const uint8_t *rg = bam_aux_get(p->b, "RG");
127                                 p->aux = 1; // filtered by default
128                                 if (rg) {
129                                         khint_t k = kh_get(rg, hash, (const char*)(rg + 1));
130                                         if (k != kh_end(hash)) p->aux = 0, ++N; // not filtered
131                                 }
132                         }
133                 }
134                 if (N == 0) return -1; // no reads left
135         }
136         // determine if there is a gap
137         for (s = N = 0; s < n; ++s) {
138                 for (i = 0; i < n_plp[s]; ++i)
139                         if (plp[s][i].indel != 0) break;
140                 if (i < n_plp[s]) break;
141         }
142         if (s == n) return -1; // there is no indel at this position.
143         for (s = N = 0; s < n; ++s) N += n_plp[s]; // N is the total number of reads
144         { // find out how many types of indels are present
145                 int m, n_alt = 0, n_tot = 0;
146                 uint32_t *aux;
147                 aux = calloc(N + 1, 4);
148                 m = max_rd_len = 0;
149                 aux[m++] = MINUS_CONST; // zero indel is always a type
150                 for (s = 0; s < n; ++s) {
151                         for (i = 0; i < n_plp[s]; ++i) {
152                                 const bam_pileup1_t *p = plp[s] + i;
153                                 if (rghash == 0 || p->aux == 0) {
154                                         ++n_tot;
155                                         if (p->indel != 0) {
156                                                 ++n_alt;
157                                                 aux[m++] = MINUS_CONST + p->indel;
158                                         }
159                                 }
160                                 j = bam_cigar2qlen(&p->b->core, bam1_cigar(p->b));
161                                 if (j > max_rd_len) max_rd_len = j;
162                         }
163                 }
164         // To prevent long stretches of N's to be mistaken for indels (sometimes thousands of bases),
165         //  check the number of N's in the sequence and skip places where half or more reference bases are Ns.
166         int nN=0; for (i=pos; i-pos<max_rd_len && ref[i]; i++) if ( ref[i]=='N' ) nN++;
167         if ( nN*2>i ) return -1;
169                 ks_introsort(uint32_t, m, aux);
170                 // squeeze out identical types
171                 for (i = 1, n_types = 1; i < m; ++i)
172                         if (aux[i] != aux[i-1]) ++n_types;
173                 if (n_types == 1 || (double)n_alt / n_tot < bca->min_frac || n_alt < bca->min_support) { // then skip
174                         free(aux); return -1;
175                 }
176                 if (n_types >= 64) {
177                         free(aux);
178                         if (bam_verbose >= 2) 
179                                 fprintf(stderr, "[%s] excessive INDEL alleles at position %d. Skip the position.\n", __func__, pos + 1);
180                         return -1;
181                 }
182                 types = (int*)calloc(n_types, sizeof(int));
183                 t = 0;
184                 types[t++] = aux[0] - MINUS_CONST; 
185                 for (i = 1; i < m; ++i)
186                         if (aux[i] != aux[i-1])
187                                 types[t++] = aux[i] - MINUS_CONST;
188                 free(aux);
189                 for (t = 0; t < n_types; ++t)
190                         if (types[t] == 0) break;
191                 ref_type = t; // the index of the reference type (0)
192         }
193         { // calculate left and right boundary
194                 left = pos > INDEL_WINDOW_SIZE? pos - INDEL_WINDOW_SIZE : 0;
195                 right = pos + INDEL_WINDOW_SIZE;
196                 if (types[0] < 0) right -= types[0];
197                 // in case the alignments stand out the reference
198                 for (i = pos; i < right; ++i)
199                         if (ref[i] == 0) break;
200                 right = i;
201         }
202         /* The following block fixes a long-existing flaw in the INDEL
203          * calling model: the interference of nearby SNPs. However, it also
204          * reduces the power because sometimes, substitutions caused by
205          * indels are not distinguishable from true mutations. Multiple
206          * sequence realignment helps to increase the power.
207          */
208         { // construct per-sample consensus
209                 int L = right - left + 1, max_i, max2_i;
210                 uint32_t *cns, max, max2;
211                 char *ref0, *r;
212                 ref_sample = calloc(n, sizeof(void*));
213                 cns = calloc(L, 4);
214                 ref0 = calloc(L, 1);
215                 for (i = 0; i < right - left; ++i)
216                         ref0[i] = bam_nt16_table[(int)ref[i+left]];
217                 for (s = 0; s < n; ++s) {
218                         r = ref_sample[s] = calloc(L, 1);
219                         memset(cns, 0, sizeof(int) * L);
220                         // collect ref and non-ref counts
221                         for (i = 0; i < n_plp[s]; ++i) {
222                                 bam_pileup1_t *p = plp[s] + i;
223                                 bam1_t *b = p->b;
224                                 uint32_t *cigar = bam1_cigar(b);
225                                 uint8_t *seq = bam1_seq(b);
226                                 int x = b->core.pos, y = 0;
227                                 for (k = 0; k < b->core.n_cigar; ++k) {
228                                         int op = cigar[k]&0xf;
229                                         int j, l = cigar[k]>>4;
230                                         if (op == BAM_CMATCH || op == BAM_CEQUAL || op == BAM_CDIFF) {
231                                                 for (j = 0; j < l; ++j)
232                                                         if (x + j >= left && x + j < right)
233                                                                 cns[x+j-left] += (bam1_seqi(seq, y+j) == ref0[x+j-left])? 1 : 0x10000;
234                                                 x += l; y += l;
235                                         } else if (op == BAM_CDEL || op == BAM_CREF_SKIP) x += l;
236                                         else if (op == BAM_CINS || op == BAM_CSOFT_CLIP) y += l;
237                                 }
238                         }
239                         // determine the consensus
240                         for (i = 0; i < right - left; ++i) r[i] = ref0[i];
241                         max = max2 = 0; max_i = max2_i = -1;
242                         for (i = 0; i < right - left; ++i) {
243                                 if (cns[i]>>16 >= max>>16) max2 = max, max2_i = max_i, max = cns[i], max_i = i;
244                                 else if (cns[i]>>16 >= max2>>16) max2 = cns[i], max2_i = i;
245                         }
246                         if ((double)(max&0xffff) / ((max&0xffff) + (max>>16)) >= 0.7) max_i = -1;
247                         if ((double)(max2&0xffff) / ((max2&0xffff) + (max2>>16)) >= 0.7) max2_i = -1;
248                         if (max_i >= 0) r[max_i] = 15;
249                         if (max2_i >= 0) r[max2_i] = 15;
250 //                      for (i = 0; i < right - left; ++i) fputc("=ACMGRSVTWYHKDBN"[(int)r[i]], stderr); fputc('\n', stderr);
251                 }
252                 free(ref0); free(cns);
253         }
254         { // the length of the homopolymer run around the current position
255                 int c = bam_nt16_table[(int)ref[pos + 1]];
256                 if (c == 15) l_run = 1;
257                 else {
258                         for (i = pos + 2; ref[i]; ++i)
259                                 if (bam_nt16_table[(int)ref[i]] != c) break;
260                         l_run = i;
261                         for (i = pos; i >= 0; --i)
262                                 if (bam_nt16_table[(int)ref[i]] != c) break;
263                         l_run -= i + 1;
264                 }
265         }
266         // construct the consensus sequence
267         max_ins = types[n_types - 1]; // max_ins is at least 0
268         if (max_ins > 0) {
269                 int *inscns_aux = calloc(4 * n_types * max_ins, sizeof(int));
270                 // count the number of occurrences of each base at each position for each type of insertion
271                 for (t = 0; t < n_types; ++t) {
272                         if (types[t] > 0) {
273                                 for (s = 0; s < n; ++s) {
274                                         for (i = 0; i < n_plp[s]; ++i) {
275                                                 bam_pileup1_t *p = plp[s] + i;
276                                                 if (p->indel == types[t]) {
277                                                         uint8_t *seq = bam1_seq(p->b);
278                                                         for (k = 1; k <= p->indel; ++k) {
279                                                                 int c = bam_nt16_nt4_table[bam1_seqi(seq, p->qpos + k)];
280                                                                 if (c < 4) ++inscns_aux[(t*max_ins+(k-1))*4 + c];
281                                                         }
282                                                 }
283                                         }
284                                 }
285                         }
286                 }
287                 // use the majority rule to construct the consensus
288                 inscns = calloc(n_types * max_ins, 1);
289                 for (t = 0; t < n_types; ++t) {
290                         for (j = 0; j < types[t]; ++j) {
291                                 int max = 0, max_k = -1, *ia = &inscns_aux[(t*max_ins+j)*4];
292                                 for (k = 0; k < 4; ++k)
293                                         if (ia[k] > max)
294                                                 max = ia[k], max_k = k;
295                                 inscns[t*max_ins + j] = max? max_k : 4;
296                         }
297                 }
298                 free(inscns_aux);
299         }
300         // compute the likelihood given each type of indel for each read
301         max_ref2 = right - left + 2 + 2 * (max_ins > -types[0]? max_ins : -types[0]);
302         ref2  = calloc(max_ref2, 1);
303         query = calloc(right - left + max_rd_len + max_ins + 2, 1);
304         score1 = calloc(N * n_types, sizeof(int));
305         score2 = calloc(N * n_types, sizeof(int));
306         bca->indelreg = 0;
307         for (t = 0; t < n_types; ++t) {
308                 int l, ir;
309                 kpa_par_t apf1 = { 1e-4, 1e-2, 10 }, apf2 = { 1e-6, 1e-3, 10 };
310                 apf1.bw = apf2.bw = abs(types[t]) + 3;
311                 // compute indelreg
312                 if (types[t] == 0) ir = 0;
313                 else if (types[t] > 0) ir = est_indelreg(pos, ref, types[t], &inscns[t*max_ins]);
314                 else ir = est_indelreg(pos, ref, -types[t], 0);
315                 if (ir > bca->indelreg) bca->indelreg = ir;
316 //              fprintf(stderr, "%d, %d, %d\n", pos, types[t], ir);
317                 // realignment
318                 for (s = K = 0; s < n; ++s) {
319                         // write ref2
320                         for (k = 0, j = left; j <= pos; ++j)
321                                 ref2[k++] = bam_nt16_nt4_table[(int)ref_sample[s][j-left]];
322                         if (types[t] <= 0) j += -types[t];
323                         else for (l = 0; l < types[t]; ++l)
324                                          ref2[k++] = inscns[t*max_ins + l];
325                         for (; j < right && ref[j]; ++j)
326                                 ref2[k++] = bam_nt16_nt4_table[(int)ref_sample[s][j-left]];
327                         for (; k < max_ref2; ++k) ref2[k] = 4;
328                         if (j < right) right = j;
329                         // align each read to ref2
330                         for (i = 0; i < n_plp[s]; ++i, ++K) {
331                                 bam_pileup1_t *p = plp[s] + i;
332                                 int qbeg, qend, tbeg, tend, sc, kk;
333                                 uint8_t *seq = bam1_seq(p->b);
334                                 uint32_t *cigar = bam1_cigar(p->b);
335                                 if (p->b->core.flag&4) continue; // unmapped reads
336                                 // FIXME: the following loop should be better moved outside; nonetheless, realignment should be much slower anyway.
337                                 for (kk = 0; kk < p->b->core.n_cigar; ++kk)
338                                         if ((cigar[kk]&BAM_CIGAR_MASK) == BAM_CREF_SKIP) break;
339                                 if (kk < p->b->core.n_cigar) continue;
340                                 // FIXME: the following skips soft clips, but using them may be more sensitive.
341                                 // determine the start and end of sequences for alignment
342                                 qbeg = tpos2qpos(&p->b->core, bam1_cigar(p->b), left,  0, &tbeg);
343                                 qend = tpos2qpos(&p->b->core, bam1_cigar(p->b), right, 1, &tend);
344                                 if (types[t] < 0) {
345                                         int l = -types[t];
346                                         tbeg = tbeg - l > left?  tbeg - l : left;
347                                 }
348                                 // write the query sequence
349                                 for (l = qbeg; l < qend; ++l)
350                                         query[l - qbeg] = bam_nt16_nt4_table[bam1_seqi(seq, l)];
351                                 { // do realignment; this is the bottleneck
352                                         const uint8_t *qual = bam1_qual(p->b), *bq;
353                                         uint8_t *qq;
354                                         qq = calloc(qend - qbeg, 1);
355                                         bq = (uint8_t*)bam_aux_get(p->b, "ZQ");
356                                         if (bq) ++bq; // skip type
357                                         for (l = qbeg; l < qend; ++l) {
358                                                 qq[l - qbeg] = bq? qual[l] + (bq[l] - 64) : qual[l];
359                                                 if (qq[l - qbeg] > 30) qq[l - qbeg] = 30;
360                                                 if (qq[l - qbeg] < 7) qq[l - qbeg] = 7;
361                                         }
362                                         sc = kpa_glocal((uint8_t*)ref2 + tbeg - left, tend - tbeg + abs(types[t]),
363                                                                         (uint8_t*)query, qend - qbeg, qq, &apf1, 0, 0);
364                                         l = (int)(100. * sc / (qend - qbeg) + .499); // used for adjusting indelQ below
365                                         if (l > 255) l = 255;
366                                         score1[K*n_types + t] = score2[K*n_types + t] = sc<<8 | l;
367                                         if (sc > 5) {
368                                                 sc = kpa_glocal((uint8_t*)ref2 + tbeg - left, tend - tbeg + abs(types[t]),
369                                                                                 (uint8_t*)query, qend - qbeg, qq, &apf2, 0, 0);
370                                                 l = (int)(100. * sc / (qend - qbeg) + .499);
371                                                 if (l > 255) l = 255;
372                                                 score2[K*n_types + t] = sc<<8 | l;
373                                         }
374                                         free(qq);
375                                 }
376 /*
377                                 for (l = 0; l < tend - tbeg + abs(types[t]); ++l)
378                                         fputc("ACGTN"[(int)ref2[tbeg-left+l]], stderr);
379                                 fputc('\n', stderr);
380                                 for (l = 0; l < qend - qbeg; ++l) fputc("ACGTN"[(int)query[l]], stderr);
381                                 fputc('\n', stderr);
382                                 fprintf(stderr, "pos=%d type=%d read=%d:%d name=%s qbeg=%d tbeg=%d score=%d\n", pos, types[t], s, i, bam1_qname(p->b), qbeg, tbeg, sc);
383 */
384                         }
385                 }
386         }
387         free(ref2); free(query);
388         { // compute indelQ
389                 int *sc, tmp, *sumq;
390                 sc   = alloca(n_types * sizeof(int));
391                 sumq = alloca(n_types * sizeof(int));
392                 memset(sumq, 0, sizeof(int) * n_types);
393                 for (s = K = 0; s < n; ++s) {
394                         for (i = 0; i < n_plp[s]; ++i, ++K) {
395                                 bam_pileup1_t *p = plp[s] + i;
396                                 int *sct = &score1[K*n_types], indelQ1, indelQ2, seqQ, indelQ;
397                                 for (t = 0; t < n_types; ++t) sc[t] = sct[t]<<6 | t;
398                                 for (t = 1; t < n_types; ++t) // insertion sort
399                                         for (j = t; j > 0 && sc[j] < sc[j-1]; --j)
400                                                 tmp = sc[j], sc[j] = sc[j-1], sc[j-1] = tmp;
401                                 /* errmod_cal() assumes that if the call is wrong, the
402                                  * likelihoods of other events are equal. This is about
403                                  * right for substitutions, but is not desired for
404                                  * indels. To reuse errmod_cal(), I have to make
405                                  * compromise for multi-allelic indels.
406                                  */
407                                 if ((sc[0]&0x3f) == ref_type) {
408                                         indelQ1 = (sc[1]>>14) - (sc[0]>>14);
409                                         seqQ = est_seqQ(bca, types[sc[1]&0x3f], l_run);
410                                 } else {
411                                         for (t = 0; t < n_types; ++t) // look for the reference type
412                                                 if ((sc[t]&0x3f) == ref_type) break;
413                                         indelQ1 = (sc[t]>>14) - (sc[0]>>14);
414                                         seqQ = est_seqQ(bca, types[sc[0]&0x3f], l_run);
415                                 }
416                                 tmp = sc[0]>>6 & 0xff;
417                                 indelQ1 = tmp > 111? 0 : (int)((1. - tmp/111.) * indelQ1 + .499); // reduce indelQ
418                                 sct = &score2[K*n_types];
419                                 for (t = 0; t < n_types; ++t) sc[t] = sct[t]<<6 | t;
420                                 for (t = 1; t < n_types; ++t) // insertion sort
421                                         for (j = t; j > 0 && sc[j] < sc[j-1]; --j)
422                                                 tmp = sc[j], sc[j] = sc[j-1], sc[j-1] = tmp;
423                                 if ((sc[0]&0x3f) == ref_type) {
424                                         indelQ2 = (sc[1]>>14) - (sc[0]>>14);
425                                 } else {
426                                         for (t = 0; t < n_types; ++t) // look for the reference type
427                                                 if ((sc[t]&0x3f) == ref_type) break;
428                                         indelQ2 = (sc[t]>>14) - (sc[0]>>14);
429                                 }
430                                 tmp = sc[0]>>6 & 0xff;
431                                 indelQ2 = tmp > 111? 0 : (int)((1. - tmp/111.) * indelQ2 + .499);
432                                 // pick the smaller between indelQ1 and indelQ2
433                                 indelQ = indelQ1 < indelQ2? indelQ1 : indelQ2;
434                                 if (indelQ > 255) indelQ = 255;
435                                 if (seqQ > 255) seqQ = 255;
436                                 p->aux = (sc[0]&0x3f)<<16 | seqQ<<8 | indelQ; // use 22 bits in total
437                                 sumq[sc[0]&0x3f] += indelQ < seqQ? indelQ : seqQ;
438 //                              fprintf(stderr, "pos=%d read=%d:%d name=%s call=%d indelQ=%d seqQ=%d\n", pos, s, i, bam1_qname(p->b), types[sc[0]&0x3f], indelQ, seqQ);
439                         }
440                 }
441                 // determine bca->indel_types[] and bca->inscns
442                 bca->maxins = max_ins;
443                 bca->inscns = realloc(bca->inscns, bca->maxins * 4);
444                 for (t = 0; t < n_types; ++t)
445                         sumq[t] = sumq[t]<<6 | t;
446                 for (t = 1; t < n_types; ++t) // insertion sort
447                         for (j = t; j > 0 && sumq[j] > sumq[j-1]; --j)
448                                 tmp = sumq[j], sumq[j] = sumq[j-1], sumq[j-1] = tmp;
449                 for (t = 0; t < n_types; ++t) // look for the reference type
450                         if ((sumq[t]&0x3f) == ref_type) break;
451                 if (t) { // then move the reference type to the first
452                         tmp = sumq[t];
453                         for (; t > 0; --t) sumq[t] = sumq[t-1];
454                         sumq[0] = tmp;
455                 }
456                 for (t = 0; t < 4; ++t) bca->indel_types[t] = B2B_INDEL_NULL;
457                 for (t = 0; t < 4 && t < n_types; ++t) {
458                         bca->indel_types[t] = types[sumq[t]&0x3f];
459                         memcpy(&bca->inscns[t * bca->maxins], &inscns[(sumq[t]&0x3f) * max_ins], bca->maxins);
460                 }
461                 // update p->aux
462                 for (s = n_alt = 0; s < n; ++s) {
463                         for (i = 0; i < n_plp[s]; ++i) {
464                                 bam_pileup1_t *p = plp[s] + i;
465                                 int x = types[p->aux>>16&0x3f];
466                                 for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
467                                         if (x == bca->indel_types[j]) break;
468                                 p->aux = j<<16 | (j == 4? 0 : (p->aux&0xffff));
469                                 if ((p->aux>>16&0x3f) > 0) ++n_alt;
470 //                              fprintf(stderr, "X pos=%d read=%d:%d name=%s call=%d type=%d q=%d seqQ=%d\n", pos, s, i, bam1_qname(p->b), p->aux>>16&63, bca->indel_types[p->aux>>16&63], p->aux&0xff, p->aux>>8&0xff);
471                         }
472                 }               
473         }
474         free(score1); free(score2);
475         // free
476         for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) free(ref_sample[i]);
477         free(ref_sample);
478         free(types); free(inscns);
479         return n_alt > 0? 0 : -1;
480 }